
Does it cost money to put a child up for adoption?

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Like doctor visits and medical expences, would my insurance have to know?




  1. in most cases of adoption the adoptive parents pay expenses

  2. No, it doesn't.  The agency will provide services to cover your medical and legal bills, and can also help with your daily living expenses.

    You can use your insurance, get emergency Medicaid just for the pregnancy, or the agency can assist with you bills.  Your insurance company will likely know, but you can ask that it be confidential on record.  You can also choose to not involve the adoption information at the hospital, but rather place the baby with the agency after you are discharged, as you are leaving the hospital, if you choose to.

    The adoption will not cost you anything.  The adoptive parents have to pay the agency a fee to cover all your expenses, etc.

  3. You will recieve better care if you go yhrough your insurance and the doctors you already have...also most insurance companies cover pregnancy care and birth close to 100% and you insurance rates do not go up for having a baby...that said many adoptive couples will pay most medical bills through your insurance or theirs...if covered.   oh and we'll adopt your baby we have a six year old begging for a sibling and have had two stillbirths in the last 14 months...=P...

  4. I'm making a wild guess that you're a birth parent.  If you're doing a private adoption, often the adoptive parents will pay for your medical expenses.

    It shouldn't cost you any money to make an adoption plan for a child.

  5. I am not sure. But you can contact the LDS adoption services. They provide assistance to people that want to put their child up to adoption.

  6. I think you get paid.

  7. It will not cost the Birth mother or her family anything to give a child up for adoption.  The adoptive family will cover all expenses. There are many different ways to do this also, private adoption (you already know the adoptive family and they will hire a private attorney), the children's division through your state, or an adoption agency.  However I do have to ask, are you pregnant and are you considering adoption.  If you are please feel free to contact me via email.  My husband and I are a foster family and we could probably answer lots of questions for you and we are also a prospective adoptive family if you are looking for a family.  Please feel free to ask me any questions you may have on adoption, I would love to help you through this trying time.

  8. i have to say, cost should be the last thing from your mind when putting a child up for adoption. it is a huge decision. don't take it lightly. if you do put it up for adoption, be ready for a call in about 20 years from this child.

  9. no you go to an adoption agency and it is free for you, you get free counciling and then you will pick a family. just email me if you want to no more

  10. y would you want to put a child for adoption

    they ar not animals you know

    they should get a chance

    to be with their families

  11. I know it is free if you go through

    Good luck!

  12. I'm curious too, although I've never had any children. I don't know if it will be paid for by the people who may adopt them becasue it's not known if the child will be adopted. Maybe by the hospitial. I'm sure it costs a heart though.

  13. If you have an open private adoption, the potential adoptive parents would be responsible for paying your bills.  Your insurance company would not have to be involved at all.

  14. No, not at all! In fact, if you are needing help with living expenses during the 9 months, some agencies can help you by paying rent, etc.  I even heard where one agency bought the mom a car so she could get to her appts.

    Apoption is a loving decision!!!!!!!! Here is a number to call - 1-800-592-4725 - You'll be a hero!!!!!!! :) :) :)

  15. Typically if you are pregnant and have medical insurance, your medical insurance should cover your medical expenses.  If you do not have insurance, the agency will discuss the options with you.  In some situations, adoptive parents could pay or contribute to medical expenses, but it is very important that you discuss this with an attorney or adoption agency as most states have rules and regulations with regards money exchanging hands in adoption procedures with bio and adoptive parents.  

    Good  luck to you.

  16. It depends on the type of adoption. Many times adoptive parents can cover those expenses.

    This might give you more info:

  17. No it doesn't cost anything. You are not obligated to disclose to your insurance company any details of your future plans. If you need further assistance, you may contact me @850-305-0392

  18. You contact an adoption agency, and the adoptive parents take care of the expenses.

  19. When you give your children  up for adoption and have signed your rights over to another parent or couple then you are no longer responsible for them in any way.

    The adoptive parents pay for the cost of the adoption itself.

  20. Of course they are.

    Can you imagine how they get the cash to pay if you don't pay them

  21. If you have the means to pay for your own maternity care via insurance or your state's maternity Medicaid you should do so.

    Having expenses paid by the adoptive family is a form of self coercion as you may feel obligated to place even if you change your mind.

    I urge you, make both an adoption plan and a parenting plan, and go through your pregnancy as if you will be a parent. You can choose to place only after the birth anyway.

    Check out the expectant parent section at

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