
Does it disappoint you that people are more fans of Brett Favre than they are of the Packers?

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I personally am a Bears fan, but I live in Wisconsin. Everyone that I know is a fan of a team, not a person. Because of all of the drama with Brett Favre, I've seen that a lot of people are his fans, and not the team's. It disappoints me. Does it disappoint you? What do you think ?




  1. No, Brett Favre IS the Green Bay Packers. Before they got him, they hadn't won a Superbowl since super bowl 2! He makes the packers great. I don't know why it would disappoint you in the first place. You are a Bears fan!  

  2. Well.. WIthout Brett Favre Green Bay would be nothing.. He was heart and soul of the Packers..  

  3. I think your completely wrong here.  I'm a packers fan.  Brett was just part of the package but he wasnt the whole.  It disappoints me to think that people would judge the team by one man.

    read my blog on the subject if you would like

  4. I can't speak for all Green Bay fans, however I can speak for myself and say that I'm pretty sure that most are kind of where I'm at with it all...

    I love the packers... I love football and I hate the offseason because, well footballs not on.  I'm a huge Brett Favre fan and have personally taken his side here.  Now that doesn't mean that I do not like the Packers anymore or that I put Favre above the team.  I am not thrilled with the managements handling of this.  For 16 years Favre commited to them and did one heck of a job.  Two years ago when he wanted to throw the towel in they begged him to come back "for the teams sake", he's done a lot for the community and has been an extremely positive role model for fans as well as other players.  In my opinion if the guy wants to play you owe it to him to let him, and if you don't want him around on your team anymore then you release him and let him play where he sees fit, just as many other remarkable players have done.  You don't jerk him around and tell him you're not welcome here but we don't want you anywhere else.  it's just not right...

    So while I have never lost my passion for the packers, I am horribly disappointed in the managements way of handling this and think that they need to consider who is running the team.  Look at the Ryan Grant situation!  His contract should have been resolved to fit a starter.  When you were third string and become a starter you should get a little pay boost and as a GM you should want to hang on to a player like Grant!  I will forever be a fan of the packers team but am not a fan of Ted Thompson.  

  5. It does disappoint me. I'm a Redskin fan so I have the luxury of seeing things without having my judgement clouded by being a Packer fan or a Favre fan.

    The problem is complicated. The fact is that the Packers have used a 1st round draft pick to get their future QB as their aging QB (Favre) is limited in time left......proven by his bogus retirement speech. So, with that, the team went and got 2 more QB's with draft that they have invested in all this, he wants to come back and I guess push Rogers to the bench and have them release one of the other QB's they drafted. Real nice....what a team player. Brett Favre is not the Green Bay Packers....Brett Favre plays for Brett Favre.

    On the other hand, Brett Favre has been the face of the Pack for the last decade and a why would GB want to trade that face to another team. They make a ton of money from his name.... But football is football and it is just not worth losing your furture face of Green Bay so that your legend can have 1 more year in the spot light.

    As far as trading him, he is under contract to the Green Bay Packers....not under contract to Brett Favre. So, I guess you should be able to sign a contract, then change it when it doesn't suit you anymore. If Brett wants to play, then he should sit the bench and wait for his know....just like Rogers has been doing for 4 years.

  6. brett favre has embodied the green bay packers over the last 18 years.  younger generations can't fathom another qb at the helm, hence their [justifiable] attachment.  in this day and age, it is a rare feat to spend a career with one team and i believe fans are thinking of them as one and the same, not one more than the other.

  7. I don't think it is a case that people are more a fan of him than the team. But when a player plays for you team for that long, and your team doesn't want him anymore it's natural for you to resent your team for their actions.  In the end most of those people will still be packers fans, time will heal all these wounds.  

  8. I am disappointed for Rodgers people keep giving Brett all this credit for what he has done for the Packers. Wow ok but he got paid how can you feel its ok what he is doing. You really feel it ok to act like a spoiled kid with nothing you say is the truth. He said he was not coming back to take the rookies job now its I want to compete with him. People say he just loves the game and wants to play 4 times of I don't want to play I am finished I don't want it anymore. God how long does it take your retarded grown man butt to realize you want to play. And what about the fans and team they are split over this havoc. What about Rodgers don't anyone care about this kid what about his feelings and the hurt he must feel. Brett does not care he is getting what he wants he is in the limelight and getting all this attention. It really seems kind of sick now very distasteful. You reap what you sow and one way or another Brett is going to pay for what he is doing.

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