
Does it disturb you that most women who go to college choose to not be FT in their job or just stop working ?

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Does it disturb you that most women who graduate from college and get good jobs drop out or go part time in their jobs b4 they turn 30 mostly because they had a kid or want to spend more time with the kid, being a stay at home mom etc. Not all do this but most do. Researched at Census Bureau by the way. What do yall think?




  1. Not at all, in fact, I'm 30 yrs old and I believe that we're struggling TTC because we both work 12 hour days. I cannot imagine both of us working full time and bringing a child into this world with that kind of stress in the home. Not fair to anyone! Somethings gotta give. A true self respecting feminist understands a woman's dilemma when she is the one that chooses to put her career on hold to stay at home with children.

    Research also shows that women who work full time end up doing most of the household chores anyway! I can attest to you mind me asking if you are 1. married 2. working full time 3. TTC or have children?

  2. Nah.  The ones with real careers have kids in their mid thirties and beyond.  Having a college degree these days is like having high school graduation used to be.  Its nothing special, pretty much everyone has "been there, done that".

  3. Women have 30 to 40 years to work. Spending a few years dedicated to their child or children when they are infants isn't disturbing.

  4. No. Society wants everyone to work as many hours possible like worker ants to make money. But a persons worth isn't how much momey they make or how many hours they work.

  5. No why should it disturb me ? It is not my life, it is theirs and its up to them to decide what is more important to them, family or career.

  6. It doesn't disturb me at all ... each couple makes their own decisions in these matters . I was a stay at home dad .. somethings are more important than making more money than you need .... I wasn't going to put my son in daycare when I was in a position to be able to stay home and take care of him.

  7. "Most?" do you have some numbers to back that up?

    And yes, some take time off, but most go back to their career when the children are a little older.

    Why would this bother me?

  8. Nope, not at all.

    Any more than it disturbs me that people with perfectly good brains work at McDonald's or become factory workers.

    If women stop work to have kids after having an education, the kid/s get an educated mother.

    What exactly is the down side of that?

    Cheers :-)

  9. No, I think it is wonderful that these women have chosen to make their children their top priority.  As far as the wage gap "rage" this has long been known by most, as well as accepted by most...for some reason some are simply unwilling to believe that women's choice is the case of the wage gap, rather than discrimination.

  10. Many women have kids and go right back to work-they can't afford to work part-time or stop working. Many women have to work because they are the sole support of their families. Others are part of a family that is living in poverty or is very poor-they have to work to help support their family. So this is not true of all women by a long shot-therefore this does not explain away the wage gap.

    If masses of college educated women want to caretake their kids and make the sacrifices to make it happen-more power to them-I think it's impressive that so many families are willing to give up part or all of their incomes to be with their kids.I question whether the majority of middle-class women are doing this-since some women don't have children and others do return to work right after having their children.If the wage gap was a myth-wouldn't women without children have similar wages as men in their field and only the women with children who work PT or stop working make up the women who make less than men in the same field?         .  

  11. No, I think a child needs to be raised by his parents, not day-care employees. It is better to have the mom around rather than be a latchkey kid, only seeing either parent late in the evening when they are home from work and all stressed out. Good for those ladies choosing to be good moms.

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