
Does it do any good if a civilian reports a reckless driver?

by  |  earlier

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And what if several report the same individual? Just Curious ;-)




  1. It could but you would have to testify in court against the person. I once called a bad driver in and they asked if I was willing to testify. I said no because it wasn't worth my time but they said they would give the guy a warning anyway.

  2. It is always best to report if you see someone driving recklessly. It's best if you state it more like "possibly a drunk driver or someone falling asleep at the wheel". If civilians don't bring some things to the attention of HP or PD officers then we aren't doing our part as a society to protect those who live within it. They can't be everywhere at once...besides, you can always remember that what goes around comes around, you reap what you sow, karma, what you put out you get back 10 fold...and so on and so forth.

  3. No, it does very little good if any at all.  If you're having a particularly ironic day, you'll get pulled over for being on your phone while driving :)

  4. Typically the dispatcher will notify all units in the area.  They are able to pull over the driver, but they cannot issue a citation unless they actually witness an infraction.

    It doesn't hurt to call the non-emergency number to report a reckless or drunk driver, but the police cannot do anything without visual evidence.

  5. NO... not unless you are WILLING TO SIGN A COMPLAINT... gotcha.!

  6. I can tell you when I received a call about a reckless driver or anything like that, we always took it very seriously.  For someone to call into the police and report it made me believe there was something going on.  In VA, a citizen can go to a magistrate and get either a summons or warrant for another person if probable cause exists.  When I responded to these calls, I always tried to get my own probable cause for the charge to save the citizen from having to lose a day of work and go to court.

  7. Yes it does because you might just save a life and or save your life or a life of a love one.

  8. Last Friday I saw a guy driving 30mph on the interstate near Washington DC.  He was crossing into other lanes of traffic, obviously drunk.  I called the police and followed him till a state trooper arrived.  When he finally pulled over (after the low speed chase) he was arrested on the spot.

    So, yes, sometimes reporting a wreckless driver does do good.

  9. not really. However if the police arent busey they will go find the person and ask them, but they cannot press charges. its one persons work against another

  10. Why not, the question not of being civilian or law authority, the question should be " what our civic rights?" A person with just and impartial mentality, should always consider it his duty to inform the Law authorities of such incidents, to prevent the reckless man from causing deaths to others around us, who knows the viticm could be one our own near and dear one, and when this becomes known we consider ourselves guilty for not having done our civic duty. Reckless drivers are not only threat to others but themselves also. By reporting such incidents you are not only doing your duty towards your society but also towards the reckless man, by saving him from certain death. If many people resort to reporting on the same individual then I think the action will be taken faster, and the reckless man will get removed from the street, which would safe again, till another such guy comes by to cause worries again.

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