
Does it drive you nuts for someone to chastise you with a "holier than thou" attitude?

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I have an uncle that did told me I was sinning because I didn't pray for George W. Bush!

This is from a man that is an alcoholic that drives drunk, has been married 4 or 5 times, and has to move because his neighbors want to strangle him!

Not that I am perfect, but do you have someone that does this to you?




  1. No. I just stop and recall a short poem written by Stephen Crane, the author of "The Red Badge of Courage":

    "I stood upon a high place and saw below me any devils

    Leaping, dancing and carousing in sin.

    One looked up and said, 'Comrade! Brother!'. "

  2. "I know I am a hundred ttimes as humble as thou art"

    Al yankovich

    Amish Wonderland

    He is an ignorant drunk, tell him you prayed God would give George Bush a Soul

  3. Sounds like your uncle has a lot in common with George (except the numerous marriages; but then who else would marry him?)

    It really irks me when the televangelists do this and have been since they put Ronny Reagan in in 1980.  They tell their sucker viewers to vote Republican or they will go to h**l !  After that is always the send money routine.  And those poor things in the red states actually fall for it !

    Check to see if your poor uncle isn't being dooped by one of these religious political action committees disguising themselves as God's messenger.

  4. my brother tries to pull off a "i'm smarter than you" attitude with me because we don't see eye to eye on everything, even though i went to college and got an engineering degree and am holding down a good paying job while he's almost 30 and still delivering pizzas.

  5. Sure, i think everybody knows a few of them. Usually they are so transparent that they are ridiculous, claiming never to have done not one wrong thing in life themselves. Ignore the rantings of the insane.  Push the snore button!

  6. They torture themselves because they Know their own shortcomings then transfer that anger to others.

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