
Does it even matter if I am Catholic or Protestant or Evangelist.....etc?

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The fights and unecessary contradictions and all the "catholics are doing some things that protestants should follow as well" or "catholics are too harsh" tiring! Can I say I am christian, period?

As long as I believe in God, accept Jesus and follow the Bible, shouldn't that be enough?




  1. no it does not matter

    u see the none christians want to see us fight

    they are delighted to see us devided

    the only thing that matters is that we believe in jesus

  2. Yes, why not?

  3. The original believers of Jesus Christ had no knowledge of denomination.  They all believed the same message of salvation that the eye-witnesses of the Resurrection of Jesus proclaimed.  The original believers were not even known as Christians until the 60s AD. They were simply known as "Those of the Way".  It was the negative attitude towards the believers in Christ by the Romans that caused them to receive the name "Christian".  The first Christians were nearly all persecuted and killed for their belief yet they still kept the Faith going.  Roman Catholicism was not the true belief nor was it the original.  Martin Luther didn't get it correct either when he protested.  Wesley, Calvin, Zwingli and all the other reformers were not correct.  They were simply seeking their own spin of the Christian message.  It is my opinion that there are very few followers today that truly believe in "The Way" of Jesus Christ.

  4. No, it doesn't matter.  And yes, it is enough.

  5. Yes!  Just Christian says it all. It's time to leave the hate and labels behind!

  6. I would say you would want to learn which church has the most truth to it. Pray about which church is right and you will receive an answer.

    Christ had his church set up on the earth in Biblical times, shouldn't that same church exist today?

    Christ's Church has been restored to the earth.

  7. If you don't know why doesn't God just tell you.  Maybe he enjoys toying with our little minds & playing these little games.  Then if we don't follow the maze of confusion just right he'll chunk us in the furnace & leave us to burn forever.  Sounds like a wonderful religion of peace of love, right?

  8. As I understand it, God said that He wants trust. Those who trust Him are blessed by Him according to Him.

  9. Labels don't save.  Some of those groups teach a false gospel that leads to eternal h**l (catholicism) (Galatians 1:6-9 describes false gospels), and so that's why such groups that teach false gospels (like catholicism), should be avoided.  

    Religion can't save.  Only JESUS saves.

    The truth is that the only way to be saved and to get into heaven and avoid being sent to eternal h**l is by believing in faith alone that Jesus, who is God, died for our sins on the cross and rose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Believe this and you are saved!

    Please pray now: "Jesus, please forgive me of my sins. I believe that You died on the cross for my sins and You rose from the dead. Thank You for eternal life!" You will be in heaven with Him forever when you die. :)

  10. I used to think that.  But then I thought - we can't ALL be right...and salvation is just too important to take chances with.

    Keep studying your Bible, you'll come to the truth.

  11. Jesus founded one holy, Catholic, and apostolic Church to facilitate that very process. He never founded any other.

    Which one of the 50,000 different, erroneous interpretations of the Bible will you pick? And besides ... Jesus founded the Church .. not the Bible.

    So ... the answer is NO!

  12. Yes...way to go friend...

    "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." Romans 10:9-10

  13. Yes you should be able to say that you are Christian without using any denominational attachment. We are not saved by a denomination, and to say that a particular denomination is the one true church, e.g. Catholicism or JWs, is simply false and has no biblical precedent. The one true church is invisible and consists of those bought into God's kingdom by Christ's once for all sacrfice for sin.

    On the Catholic/Protestant issue, the thing is there are major and I believe crucial differences between what Catholicism teaches and what Protestantism teaches. These are fundamental differences on the nature of salvation and the church. A good book on this is "Nothing in My Hand I Bring". That said, I wouldn't entirely agree with any one particular protestant denomination either.

    Ideally we should be seeking to identify ourselves as "Biblicists" people who believe and adhere to the teachings of the Bible rather than a particular "brand" of Christianity.

  14. In the Christian essentials, their must be unity.

    In the Christian non essentials, let there be liberty.

    But in all things, love.

  15. AMEN !!!

  16. <<Does it even matter if I am Catholic or Protestant or Evangelist.....etc?>>

    Yes, it matters.

    <<The fights and unecessary contradictions and all the "catholics are doing some things that protestants should follow as well" or "catholics are too harsh" tiring!>>

    It IS tiring indeed! But, as it so happens, the defense of the Church is also necessary.

    <<Can I say I am christian, period?>>

    Of course you can. However, if you choose to be a non-Catholic Christian, you soldier forward in this misguided world with less than all the Reveale Truth potentially available to you. Why settle for less when you could have the Fulness of Revealed Truth to help you?

    <<As long as I believe in God, accept Jesus and follow the Bible, shouldn't that be enough?>>

    Is it? Is is possible to accept God as King when you reject His Kingdom?

  17. It should, but there is only one truth.  you want to follow truth as much as possible.

  18. You are right all done with love

    Judging none

    Helping others &

    Following  Jesus

    And Chris is right as usual

    Jesus wants our love and a personal relationship

    with Him

  19. Well Ja  (World  religions are my  hobby)  so

    1)Catholic are christian but non evangelical

    2) protistants

    a)Wesleyan (methodists)

    belief that  there are  more things involved than just believing

    b)Calvinists (presbyterians) believe in election and a constant gracious God believe in (Total depravity, unlimited atonemenrt,Limited  perfection, preservation of the saints etc.)

    c) baptist believe in a little of  both

    Protistants are  considered  evangelical Lutherans are ussually not

    according to protistant sectarianism. But "yes and no" you should accept Christ a Gods son  if  you are  a christian but no you should not  think that is all there is to a friendship and relationship with God in the person of Jesus Christ

    sorry  so long but I had to answer that but i wanted to make sure you were informed  objectively

  20. Nope, it doesnt matter at all.*

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