
Does it even matter if you eat dessert first?

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Cause it's all going to the same place right?!




  1. It's how your belly knows it's done eating~my friend M

    Culturally, we always had desserts w/ the meals, mostly because it's spicy and need something to cool it down, that and it results in consuming less of the entire meal (since fats are filling)

  2. Actually eating your dessert can possibly help you lost weight. seriously.  it will stimulate your digestive tract so you will burn the ensuing food more efficiently I believe it also raises your metabolism..

    yes it does matter.

    your best order is.. desert. main course...cheese courses... salad (roughage)

    the salad last will cleanse (of sorts) your digestive tract with the roughage.   that will help keep you healthier.

    Well.. I saw it on a show once in my doctors office about the french people eating dessert first. and how it helps to actually lose weight. because it speeds up your metabolism before the other food hits.  but this is the only article that I could find that even partially supported my statements.  I searched about the first 200 hits and they were all about some dumb book.  but seriously. it can help you to lose weight.

    its also said that eating eggs for breakfast can help lose weight too because theres something in the eggs that helps curb your appetite during the day.

  3. They always say eat dessert last but I say if it's good just eat it.

  4. No it doen't matter but if you eat eat dessert first the other stuff won't taste as good. Also, if you eat fruit first it helps digest everything else

  5. As long as it isnt filling you up so you have no room for dinner then I dont see a problem with it.

  6. It really doesn't matter what order you eat your food in.

  7. A lot of people would say it's better to have dinner first, because you'll only have dessert if you're still hungry. If you eat dessert first, then you'll only have dinner if you're still hungry. So it's better to make dinner your top priority because it's usually healthier. But as long as you eat a good dinner and a reasonably small dessert, it really doesn't matter which you have first.

  8. I have a very wise friend who claims that we all have a sweet stomach and a savoury stomach, and no matter how full one is, theres probably room in the other.

    So, I don't think it goes to the same place, but I totally advocate that it doesn't matter what order you eat it in!

  9. It doesn't matter to me as long as I get to eat it.

  10. yup.

  11. Well I like dessert last b/c I don't like having strong savory flavors in my mouth at the end of the meal.

  12. but sometimes if you have it first you dont have any appetite for dinner.

  13. Life is uncertain--eat dessert first.

    But all joking aside, you want to ensure you eat the healthier stuff first.  But if you're in the throes of PMS or having a bad day, go ahead and have dessert first.

  14. Well, they say you should eat your fruits / veggies first, because they digest quicker. If you ate them last, they will just sit there with the other food, fermenting, causing gas and slow digestion

  15. It may be the beginning of a bad habit if you aren't good at self control and don' t save room for everything else every single time like you should OR IF you eat that fattening dessert that you might not of eaten if you had eaten the meal and became full afterward.  You may put on a few extra unwanted pounds if this becomes a habit.

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