This is a convo. between me and my "friend":
Me: hi y do you never talk to me?
Friend: busy?
Me: oh alright
Friend: i can talk now if ya want
Me: kool whats up how was your first few days of school?
Friend: they were ok
Me: so were mine
Friend: k
I met this girl online like 3 years ago and when we first me we talked online ALL the time for like 1 1/2 years and then all of the sudden she quit talking to be and its been like that for the past 1 1/2 years. I will say hi and she will not even answer back. A few months ago I told her I didn't think we were friends anymore because she didn't even tell me her mom got married (I mean that is something you tell a friend right??) and she seemed upset and said that we were still friends but still she never talks to me more then like that convo. above. Ps. I have never met this girl in person but I have sent her stuff in the mail, called her on the phone, we have seen eachother on our webcams, and we (used) to talk online.
My question is does it even seem like she wants to talk to me or cares about what I am saying?? What should I do about her?? I feel bad if I never talked to her again but if I didn't message her I bet she wouldn't talk to me and would forget about me. Is it best to just quit talking to her?? Thanks!!