I feel like I'm losing control over my son... my mother in law has always been kinda pushy on the way I raise him... for example, I was "starving" him by not giving him food before he was 6 months old, he's so "thirsty" because I dont give him anything in a sippy cup to drink (he's 6 months old!) When I started giving solids I was going through the whole same food for so many days because of allergies thing, she babysat him and I packed all the baby food he needed in his bag, and instructed her that he could only have that because I wanted to see if he was alergic to it or not, and when I went to get him she told me she went to the store and bought him some applesauce because she didn't think he would want to eat sweet potatoes... the other day she told me that she was keeping baby food at her house now, but she just bought yogurt because she knew he would like that, I dont give him yogurt yet... and the other day he was fussy because he was tired, she told me she thought he was thirsty so I needed to start giving him a sippy cup, i got one and filled it up, handed it to my son, only to show her that my 6 month old son has no idea what a sippy cup is or how to drink out of it... I feel like I'm losing control, and if I say anything to her about it I get the whole "I raised 4 kids, I think I know what I'm doing" So my question isnt how can I stop this, because I cant, it's does this ever get better, do mother in laws ever back off when it comes to their grandchildren?