
Does it ever seem like other mums cope with their kids much better than you do?

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Are they the same: knackered, drained, without and just not admitting it or are they really supermums!!




  1. They are the same...I have a lot of patience, more than some...I have yet to meet a parent that has it all together, that is really all together!!

  2. I genuinely think that some people are better at it. Some women are just concentrating on the kids and the house that's their entire life. So they don't have any time for hobbies or friends....

  3. No, they are the same, just better at hiding it lol

  4. No not really. Especially on here, it seems like a lot of them are self centered and only worried about themselves. They want the "me" time, and to "hangout" like they are in highschool. As opposed to wanting to be home raising decent, respectable, responsible kids. I don't get the logic in that. Moms on here are constantly whining about something. Apparently not many of them think getting pregnant and raising a family through very well or something. Or they just aren't happy people. I don't know. I was more stressed and unhappy before getting married and having kids. Everything has been fairly smooth, and pleasant since marriage and kids. Of course the baby teething 4 teeth this last month made for quite a few headaches and long nights. However, it isn't something we don't know about or expect. It's a lot less stressfull than living a single life without kids. At least to my husband and I it is anyhow.

    "Love your job, and you'll never work a day in your life". Thats one of the best quotes to sum it up. Some people are more cut out to be parents than others. I'm just shocked so many parents are more worried about going out and having fun, than being there for their kids. It's something I don't think I will ever understand.

    Here's the link to a question asked not too long ago that I answered. Everyone makes parenting (and everything else) out to be "so hard". It's one of the most natural things that exists. It's been going on since the beginning of time! It's only as "hard" as a person makes it. (in most cases, not all. Some people are tossed things that I wouldn't wish on anyone, thats a totally different story. Medical crisis, death, things like that are unimaginable and I in no way am refering to people that have ginuine uncontrollable hard times).

    Anyways, here's the link:;...

  5. no, my mum wasnt supermum, she sucked. so i will never have children, i learned from her mistakes. you are a million times better than most i bet. hang in there just give them love.

  6. I feel the same lol Sometimes I wonder if I'm cut out for being a mum, i worry about everything, her eating, sleeping, giving her my undivided attention etc

    I question myself daily and its down to wanting to be the perfect parent, which is obviously impossible but others do tend to make you feel like your not doing it as good as they are.

  7. I think that there is a combination of some people hide it better and others who really do handle it better.  I think that some people like to put on the persona that they can handle anything their child does without losing their cool when other peopel are around, but you never know how they are behind closed doors.  Also, other people have such a lax personailty and just let tigns go and don'texactly parent their child so they can handle thigns better then those parents who are uptight or worry about everthing their child does.

  8. Yes, Other mums seem to be buzzing around all day and still look perfect, and theres me with baby food in my hair, shopping bags hanging from everywhere and trying to deal with my daughter screaming.

    I always wonder what there secret is.

  9. I'm a kid at heart.So I sit down and play barbies with her or go outside and play on the swings or soccor whatever strikes our mood.I have more patience than my hubby.There are some days I don't feel like playing so..I tell her nicely..Today is mommy day.So she gives me my space too.I'm not supermom there is no such thing..Is called living the moment darlin.

  10. ha ha, I sometimes think the same. Isee some mums who dont have a hair out of place and their make up is perfect - All for 8am!! I think some mums just hide things better.

    Everyone gets stressed from time to time, children are challenging but rewarding.

    I am often tired, drained and smelling of baby sick, and the washing is NEVER ENDING.

    We are ALL supermums in our own way!

  11. some are hiding a lot.

  12. I am a stay at home father( health reasons )and I look after my daughter, who is nearly 2 and my 2 dogs and I am shattered most nights. Do not worry, you are doing a great job.

  13. I reckon that those mums are probably thinking the same about you that you do of them, I think as a mum, its easy to under-estimate what a grerat job we really are doing! :-)

  14. lol!!

    i know a mum of 5 and she is super mummy! i mean she is just perfect! super skinny and soooo calm, and her kids are real evils!!

  15. some times i think so but one of my friends that has just moved back close to where i live after living away for a few years i thought she was a fab mum but now i see that she really doesn't disapline her children at all and they are getting away with murder it has got to the point where i don't want her to come round with her children anymore

  16. Honestly I'm sure you are doing a fantastic job - you are probably just way too hard on yourself.

  17. yes sometimes i feel like that but no parent is perfet or a super mum im sure they have hard days like the rest of us maybe you only see them on good days.

  18. anglea p is 100% correct. some hide it better than others, but we all feel the same!

  19. i agree with daisy..........some moms are more devoted

  20. I'd say it's about half and half...half seem better able to cope and half seem out of their minds.  So that leads me to think I'm average.  I'm betting you are too!!  :)

  21. Motherhood is a tough job!

    -Pay is  rubbish

    -Hours are huge (they dont let doctors works more than 50 hours a week as they are caring for people's health and cant concentrate properly if they work longer than that!!lol )

    -The skills required are enormous- cleaner, nurse, cook, entertainer, housekeeper, etc etc

    -There are no holidays or days off!

    No wonder it is tough... I do worry about your "without hope" comment though- please see a Dr if you really feel like that- Post natal depression can come on long after birth

    I am a mum of 3- just with the experience it has given me, the 3rd one was easy- kinda done it all before, so I was back to school run etc a week after he was born!, but my roots need doing and I only do the absolute minimum housework!!lol

  22. I have 4 children all under 7  and studying web design online open university in october and its HARD work people always ask me how do i cope (as i am a single mum) as the children go to school smart clean clothes healthy packed lunches. Every year one of my children will have a birthday party they take it in turns apart from the important one 1,5,and so on. I always throw parties christening, halloween,Christmas for our family. I personally don't know how i manage i just get on with it raise all my children the best way i can, yes the heavy jobs are difficult teaching the children to ride their bikes without stabilisers (when i have 3 other children who needs my attention) puttin the rubbish out, gardening. but we as mothers do it its in our nature.

    My advice is multi tasking and lots lots lots of Patience and sense of humour

  23. That is funny. I was thinking this to myself the other day becasue we left a store when my daughter (the queen of drama) started to freak out and it was really embarassing. The most embarassing part is not being able to control her! I have seen so many mothers that just seem to have a handle on things and I always ask myself "what are they doing that I am not?"

    Supermoms maybe, I know I am not though. lol

    Kids can be hard to handle and maybe its just me but I think some mothers just deal with that kind of stuff better than others; but for me, I just leave the store now and have a timeout in the van. So far it has worked every time until they become immune to that discipline too. :)

    Good question.

  24. I don't compare myself to other moms.  Really, I never do so I've never thought,"Wow,she sure has it together better than I.".  

    I HAVE looked at another mom and thought, "Wow, she sure has it together", but never in comparison to myself.  I don't need that kind of validation or competition to feel secure in my parenting abilities.  No mom does.  We are all capable of doing the exact right thing for our kids.  Of course, we all mess up and sometimes the 'exact right thing' isn't what we do.  In those cases, we just fix the problem and move big deal.

    I know I am doing as good a job as I can .  That's all that matters.

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