
Does it ever snow where you live?

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sacramento california usa... it snowed once (that i can remember)...march 28, 2002 (yes, i did look it up!!)




  1. Occasionally. I'm from Long Island,NY and we only had one significant snowstorm if you consider 10cm/4in. of snow "significant." It usually snows here between December and February. But we can get a trace as early as October and as late as April.

  2. July and August are the only two months on record that it has NOT snowed here in Cheyenne, WY.

  3. yea every year like around january . North Carolina

  4. yup - at times blizzard conditions......

  5. Yes a couple of times a year, but it doesn't last long.

  6. YES! (toronto)

  7. Sure,  it snows every winter. This yr we had a record 20 inches in March storm. For us, thats a lot in one storm!

  8. h**l yes! I live in the Chi baby!! I can co sign to Shruken Fro's answer. I can't wait to leave Illinois.

  9. No, I live in the subtropics and I have never seen snow.

  10. i live in North Dakota, it snows all the time in winter.  it also gets to -40F.

  11. I live in Saskatchewan, in Canada. And yes it snows here. Usually we have snow cover for about five months where I live, although some years there is more or less. I remember about seven years ago it even snowed in June! That isn't common, thankfully, and usually it's balmy and good weather for swimming by that time in the year.

  12. i live in canada

    what do you think?

  13. h**l as yeah! mind you, i'm in toronto. yes, we have summer and its just as warm as in cali. , and no we don't live in igloos.

  14. I live in Kentucky it does snow but not as much as it did when I was a kid.

  15. Very little here in Cleveland TN. I think we had a big snow storm back in 93 but at that time I lived in south west MO. It snows there all the time, not much more than 6"-8"most of the time, the past couple years they've had pretty bad ice storms.

  16. it only snows here at very odd times of the year......odessa, tx.   it snowed last year in april!!!! But it doesnt stick...melts before the day is over.

  17. Yes!!! Evil white powder that falls from the sky all the time in the winter!!

  18. Hhahaha, um yea.  I live in Colorado.  It snowed last week.

  19. i live in orange county

    1491 sine ave.


    it never snow

  20. We usually get a little snow here in Seattle, usually only for a day or two.  But this year it snowed in March and April!  Yea!

  21. I live in NC and have for about 5 yrs.  The first snow we had here was the first winter.  It had not snowed here in 20 yrs. before that (other than a few flurries).  That is what a few neighbors said.  We got about 6 - 8 inches of snow.  It was very exciting, because I had moved here from Texas.

  22. Yes it snows here in north central Illinois every winter and the older I get the more I want to go somewhere warmer in the winter.

  23. Pennsylvania! Yeah!  Is the Pope Catholic?

  24. It snows here in Chicago and I HATE it!  They salt the h**l out of the roads and that's only the major roads.  They do not plow most residential streets and this little ridge forms between the car and the street and your car gets stuck.  The snow also gets dirty fast and it's ugly.

  25. I live in scottsdale arizona and it  DOESNT snow one bit here! I wanna get out of here so bad.

  26. unfortunately


  27. Yes...but lately the snow has not stayed around it more like ice and mud.  OHIO!!!

  28. I live in Michigan.  What do you think?

    This past winter was the 4th in the record books in terms of snow.

    Typically, we might have 40 inches or so, this year it was over 70 inches of snow.

  29. Yeah it snows here about 4 times at the most,0 times at the least.

  30. yes i did once around the kennedy space center but it was not a lot and when it hit the ground it melted right away

  31. yea. every winter. wny!

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