
Does it feel to you too that it is like 1939 again in Europe now?

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Well, maybe France and Britain gave Germany ultimatum, but on Sept 1, 1939 Poland was attacked by Germans from the west, on Sept 17, 1939 Poland was attacked by Russians from the east, and the allies did not attack back for months! And being at war and fighting actually is something quite different, especially if you are the one being shot. I met an old Frenchman in England who was a French solder in WWII and he told me they had orders to just stay on the border for months after September 1939 and they were ordered just to sit there and wait. There was no war activity for quite a while. Giving you an anaIogy, it is like seeing someone being murdered, and you tell the killer he has to stop in month or you will come arrest him in 30 days if he is still doing it...I would rather not be the poor victim :)




  1. I fear that if we (US) elect Obama, he will be another Chamberlain; willing to appease more than is healthy. I don't doubt that Russia is trying to regain the power she once had, and to do that, she needs more territory. The real question for europe is which side will Germany fall to? The Germans can't ignore this.

  2. it feels more like the sixties.

  3. Cold War is never ended girl.

  4. No, no no.  Altogether different.  Russia's movement into South Ossetia can hardly be compared to Hitler's invasion of Poland in September 1939.

    Secondly, the invasion brought France and the UK to war against Germany, but it was referred to as the "Phony War" because no fighting actually ensued for several months.

    BTW, as Hitler invaded Poland, Russia also attacked Poland, resulting in the partition of Poland.

  5. Think you've got facts wrong. Britain and France gave Germany an ultimatum to withdraw and when the deadline passed, the Allies were at war with Germany.

    There's no chance of Russia invading Poland in any case.

  6. Hopefully, they have learnt a lesson from Hitler.

    Nevertheless, diplomacy deserved a chance. It is time for diplomacy while troops are ready. No one would like to see the WWIII.

  7. I agree with you on this.

  8. Maybe 1940.

  9. Its same it 1939 in polland or 1971 in india...history  may repeat itself but bet me in the reverse manner...nw d fools r gng to mess up wid ne other nation coz its very hard in 2day's world 4 a country to survive dey just can't take on a war.....hapless knwn as super powers watch monarchy winning over democracy.....

  10. Britain and France declared war - hardly doing nothing but I understand where you are coming from as neither did more then build up their withered militaries.  Actually, more like 1938, though.  The Ukraine (or possibly Poland) will be Poland.  Right now we are apparently just allowing the n***s to enter Georgia via a modern Munich agreement.  Once the n***s are appeased with Ossetia, they will then take all of Georgia after which comes the Ukraine and WW III.

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