
Does it get Better after..?

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After School... When you go to University/College even Work Does it get better i mean, are people more mature? Do they stop bitching? I cant wait to get out of my school.. never had more fake friends in my life.




  1. Nope.The older you get,the more scheming people become! Always be one step ahead.

  2. YES, a big yes.

    School is the only place where you are stuffed together with people the same age.

    Once you start work you mix with people of different ages. There are always some idiots but fewer as you get older, and you don't have to spend all your time with them.

  3. unfortunately i feel you'll have fake friends untill your 100. you'll have ur friends, and then when ur say 30, you might have that neighbour round the road that pretends she loves your garden, then tells the other neighbours how ugly ur garden is. nothing really changes, at least i dont think so.

  4. i dunno babes, but im thinkin exactly the same as you... i've asked people i know, and they say it doesn't really change throughout your life, people are still nasty and *****.. but my mum says the best thing to do is just find some good friends you trust once you start college. they'll be a lot nicer there because remember, they are there for the same reason as you, they want to learn!! not like school where people just go because they have to...

  5. yeah.

  6. Unfortunately no it doesn't get any better there are always going to be people you do not get on with for one reason or another. Its a case of learning to get on with them for the sake of your work etc.

    Best thing to do is ignore them and just agree and nod here and there. That way you wont upset anyone and no upset would be caused to you. You will find true friends and you will know who they are when you need them most as they will not run away when a problem occurs they will help you through it and you them.

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