
Does it get any lower when you attack someone's children?

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this makes me sick how these people are attack this young woman.

She is 17 years old.....MY GOD, what are these people thinking to do such a low thing.

What's next attack her 6 year old for a bad finger painting?




  1. Part of the game we play. So no one should mind when the shoe is on the other foot. Her daughter being pregnant, it is a non issue for me. If you want to talk about line item veto's, term limits for Congress, jobs leaving the country, taxes , food prices, energy prices, or basically any thing that pertains to the real issues facing the US population I m willing to listen.

  2. Blame the Enquire,   Inquiring ,minds wants to know  

  3. no--it's rough out there.



    OBAMA/BIDEN '08!!!

    folks are just givin as good as they got!

  4. Or the person's wife, mother, father, friends, religious affiliations, or any one else that should be off limits...but hasn't been this election.  

  5. maybe something good will come out of this

    maybe low life cons will lay off obama's kids who have been criticized for fidgeting too much and cons saying little one has crooked teeth

    and we can't forget mccain's criticism of chelsey clinton about her being so ugly she must have been fathered by janet reno

  6. Actually it does, when you use your own children to boost your campaign platform. That is pretty low and disgusting.

    The only reason that news of Sarah Palin's pregnant daughter hit the wires is because Sarah Palin chose to announce it to rebut the rumor that the daughter was actually the mother of Sarah Palin's 5 month old son. She opted to out her teenage daughter to rebut this rumor. First, it does nothing to rebut the rumor, second, if some whacked out internet rumor is floating around that is not true, acknowledging it only gives it credence. Using two of your own children to lend merit to your views on abortion is gross. Here's my downs syndrome baby, look at him, I could have aborted him because I found out he had downs when he was still in the womb, but I didn't please give me kudos. Here's my 17 year old pregnant daughter, she could have had an abortion, but she did not (not like this kid had anything resembling a real choice)  instead I am going to make her the pro-life poster child ready or not. She is going to get married at 17 and set a bad example for other teenage girls, look at her, please give me kudos. After I am done pimping out my kids for my cause I am going to keep spewing on how abstaining from s*x is the best method of birth control even though there is a living, breathing example of how much that doesn't work, and how much teenagers do not listen to their parents, in my own household.

    This woman is disgusting.

  7. You people have been talking about Obama's color of skin, about his wife, saying she looks like a monkey, about his ex pastor, calling him a Muslim and most of this is a buch of lies,now you complain about the facts. This hypocrisy makes me sick.

  8. I'm sure you mean like when McCain attacked President Clinton's daughter now don't you?

  9. If you want a pregnant teen to be ridiculed, step into the national spotlight with an anti-abortion, anti-birth control, pro-abstinence only education agenda.  Her mother set her up for this. It was to be expected.

  10. her mother preaches to all about family values etc then her underage unwed daughter gets knocked up

    i think mccain made a huge mistake in selecting her for vp

  11. No one is attacking the kid.

    The kid's situation plainly illustrates the hypocrisy and stupidity of the Republican party and the takeover by Right Wing faux Xians.

  12. Liberals are all very low with no standards!

  13. Let's see...back in the day, Rush Windbag called 12 year old Chelsea Clinton the White House Dog....that sounds pretty low to me, and isn't he one of the outstanding and upstanding Republicans?

  14. Palin supports extremist policies, like abstinence only s*x education and opposes the use of contraceptives.

    Her daughters predicament is related to her mom's bad policy and we NEED to discuss it before putting her into the position of forcing these radical policies on our children.

    She could have avoided all the media coverage by telling McCain to find someone else.   She is the one who stepped on to the public platform, and did so with her family at her side.

  15. This is pretty low.

    The only thing lower would be to attack her baby with down's syndrome. That will probably be next.


    Sara Palin was member of this group, advocating secession of Alaska from the US. Did you know????????????????????

    "Alaska first -Alaska Always

    The Alaskan Independence Party can be summed up in just two words:


    Until we as Alaskans receive our Ultimate Goal, the AIP will continue to strive to make Alaska a better place to live with less government interference in our everyday lives.

    The Alaskan Independence Party's goal is the vote we were entitled to in 1958, one choice from among the following four alternatives:

    1) Remain a Territory.

    2) Become a separate and Independent Nation.

    3) Accept Commonwealth status.

    4) Become a State."

  17. Right; and also, I fail to see the 'extremism' in telling kids to abstain from having s*x..if they can find the strength to do it.

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