
Does it hurt alot after you get your wisdon teeth pulled out??

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I'm seeing a surgeon because my dentist had done some work on me and i ended up with a huge swollen face. Well I now have an appointment on tuesday to get 4 wisdom teeth pulled out. I'm kinda scared, will it hurt alot after wards. I want to get them all out because I was shown on the x-rays that they are growing wrong and with the time they will hurt. by the way i am only 18 years old. I think this surgeon is good. I rather be put to sleep then just get my mouth numbed to do teeth work. what do you think?




  1. I just had mine done two days ago. You are lucky to be getting them done at such a young age,as the roots are not fully developed yet,and if they are impacted(not fully emerged),the jaw bone is not fully dense yet. My recommendation would be to discuss your fears with your surgeon,so that they are aware of your anxiety, and they may have some good ideas on helping you control that. I would also take an ipod with you so that you don't have to hear all of the noises associated with the removal(I won't go into detail). Good luck with your removal,and be sure to avoid hot soup so you don't get dry socket(google it!!)

  2. I know it sounds like an easy cop out but I wouldn't bank on being put to sleep. Most will not even offer that as an option for such a simple procedure. There is nothing to be scared of though. You will be completely numb and won't feel a thing. The only pain is the trouble you go though afterward keeping gauze in over the holes and being sure not to do anything that will loosen the clot. That's why I like to have mine done one at a time. I am on my second one right now and doing just fine. I can't imagine how much of a pain in the butt it would be to deal with all four at once but have fun with that!  

  3. I waited to have my done, becaue I was scared of it. I ended up having them removed in an emergency situation because I was in massive pain, so having them done now is a smart move. I only had the lower two, and they put me under for mine. When you have this done take the pain medication as soon as you get home, this will help you stay ahead of the pain. It's harder to ease the pain once it starts, so if you start taking something for it ahead of time you will feel less discomfort in the long run.

    When I had mine done I did experience a dry socket on the side that was infected, that was very painful, but my surgeon saw me right away and treated it, and I didn't experience discomfort after it. The other side was just sore. Usually most people don't experience this as long as they don't smoke, drink through a straw things like that after surgery.

  4. Okay, people have differing opinions on this one. First of all, its not that bad. Not fun, but nothing to be scared about. I chose not to be knocked out and it wasn't too bad. Its a lot cheaper and you recover quicker. For me, my mouth was sore the next day and that was it.  

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