
Does it hurt during a Colonoscopy?

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I am having a colonoscopy done next week, and of course I am a little scared and nervous... Does it hurt? Can you feel the scope moving inside your colon? Is the preparation really bad?




  1. No it does not.

    When it was time for my first one, I was quite apprehensive about the whole thing, but was surprised to find it was no big thing.

    You are anestesized  so you are pretty much asleep during the whole procedure. You're wheeled into a prep-room, have an I.V. started and the next thing you know you are waking up in a recovery room ( or cubical) with no memory of even falling asleep. Piece o' cake.

    The preparation  ( and even that was no biggy) was taking the stuff to clean you out.You drink this super laxative, drink only clear liquid for two days and stay near the bathroom.

    Don't sweat it, you'll be fine  

  2. Mike L's description is pretty accurate.  I my case, the journey in took about 15 minutes or so and the pain level was intermittent.  No pain on the way out including when I had multiple polyps removed.  

    My translation of the comments of those who were sedated is "Uh, I don't remember anything except the drugs were awesome".  For the record, it does hurt; but, not that bad unless you have other bowel problems.  Those who were sedated think it didn't hurt.  Conscious sedation usually means they are aware but don't remember it.  Sort of like you going to a bar and somebody slipping something in your drink.  Later, you know something happened to you; but, you don't remember it.  

    The advantages of no sedation are:

    - No risk from sedatives

    - Driving to and from the procedure and have the rest of the day to relax

    - Able to watch (and remember) the entire procedure on the screen

    - Provide pain feedback so the doctor has to go slower

    - Speak factually on what is like to have a colonoscopy


    It's not wrong to be sedated or not be sedated; but, you have to decide which is for you.  If you opt to try it without sedation; they should put an IV in you for hydration with saline.  If the discomfort is more than you can stand; you can tell them to go ahead and knock you out.  

    Can you feel the scope moving around inside the colon?  I don't specifically remember feeling the scope; because I was concentrating on the pressure/discomfort from the air.

    Is the preparation bad?  They all have some bad sides; but, I prefer the very salty tasting Fleet Phospho Soda.  The absolute worst prep and favorite of the Doctors is CoLyle or GoLytle which is a PEG.  PEG stands for Polyethylene Glycol (anti-freeze).  Think of drinking a gallon of slimey disgusting mucus and keeping it down.  Do you have that visual in your mind?  Well, GoLytle is worse.

    If you want to ease your mind about the procedure, check to be sure your doctor is a Board Certified Gastroenterologist with thousands of successful colonoscopies.  If you aren't satisfied with the answers about your doctor; find a better doctor.

  3. You'll get sedatives and pain medications so you shouldn't feel a thing. Usually, you'll even be asleep during the procedure, but you can always talk to the anesthesiologist before the procedure to make sure he/she knows what you want, etc.

    The preparation is usually the worst part. Make sure you follow all of the instructions (take the medicine as prescribed, only clear liquids - no red, purple, orange). The best thing to do is make sure you're getting plenty of electrolytes to replenish your fluids. Energy drinks like Gatorade will really help.  

  4. It doesn't hurt. They will give you sedatives for the procedure to relax you, and they will probably give you something like Midazolam (or similar drugs), which is both a sedative and also prevents you forming any memory of the procedure. It doesn't make you say stuff you normally wouldn't, but you won't remember anything!

    The preparation can be a bit uncomfortable. I mean, they don't want anything in there when they're doing it, so you'll have to fast beforehand, and they will give you some laxatives to clear it all out (that's the uncomfortable bit, plus starving yourself!) but you'll get over it.

  5. No it does not hurt they put you to sleep to do them now and when you wake up it's all over only thing that really sucks is the prep they have you drink the night before it taste a little salty  Just had one done.

    Good Luck hope this helps

  6. I just had my first colonoscopy yesterday.   If you have an idea of what to expect, it helps.   I had mine without any sedation, but you might choose to be sedated if you prefer.

    To me, it was not particularly painful... just felt like the cramping you get when you are going to have a really bad case of the runs.  If you can tolerate that for a short while, then you should have no problem.  It's also a strange feeling when the scope rounds the corner -- you can feel it moving, and that is usually when the cramping is the worst, but only for a few seconds and then it subsides.  A lot of the cramping is actually caused by air being pumped in to inflate your colon to make it easier to navigate and inspect.

    Also, the going-in is the hardest part, when it cramps the most.  Coming out takes less time and you should feel some relief, because they start to release the air pressure.   If they spot any polyps or suspicious growths, they may have to remove and retrieve it using a small loop of wire that is inside the tube.... I didn't have any but I am told you barely feel it.

    Once it's over, you may find you need to pass a lot of gas... this is normal, and is just the residual air being released.   There is a possibility of a small amount of blood that will be passed over the next couple of days... as long as it is not a large quantity, and you have no severe pain in your abdomen, then this is nothing to worry about, especially if they had to remove any polyps.

    I went into my procedure with the attitude that if I spend a half hour with a little discomfort, but which might save my life... then its worth it.   And now that it's over, I can say it was easier than I thought it would be, and it actually only lasted about 15-20 minutes in my case.

    The preparation was the worst part, actually.   I had the Fleet Phospho-Soda Laxative...  tastes awful and left a bit of a sick feeling in the stomach -- but it works!

  7. Its not as painful as it is strange and uncomfortable.  With that said, the procedure was exactly how I had imagined it.  

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