
Does it hurt even more on your third baby?

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I have two children now and thinking about having another, but when i give birth to my third the midwife said that the third hurts more, all i had with my two kids was gas and air and a pethadine, whats your views?




  1. i doubt it. my boyfriend's cousin just had her 3rd and pushed that baby out in 10 minutes.  

  2. No it don't hurt no more then the others! Just labor time will be shorter!But all women are different! I know this what happened to me shorter time when in labor!

  3. I can't imagine why she would tell you that- even if it were true!

    I was under the impression that your body knows what to do now and that should make things go more smoothly. Of course every pregnancy is different so there are no set rules.  

  4. I just gave birth to twin boys.  They were my third pregnancy.  I was miserable mainly because I was carrying twins.  I would do it all over again, but was warned that my heart cannot handle being pregnant again.  At any rate, my view on this subject is that no two pregnancies are the same; however, your body handles being pregnant the same.  Which, in my opinion, you have had two children already, your body may act the same with a third pregnancy.  I cannot understand why one would say it is painful.  As far as labor, my twins were the easiest delivery out of all three of mine.  I was only in labor for about an hour and they both were born natural, and one was breech.  

  5. I would do it all over again, but when I had my son, my third child, I was miserable. I was sick the whole time even during delivery. But as always he was well worth it. A little more painful, when contractions hit the hit hard and fast. Still in hard labor 8 hours.  

  6. Your midwife is not very smart. Each pregnancy is different. It is possible that your third delivery could be hard. It is also possible that it could be very fast and easy since your body is used to giving birth. I think that your midwife needs to stop scaring you for no reason...

  7. it wasn't for me. actually i thought it was the easiest!

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