
Does it hurt getting ur belly button pierced?

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because ive been wanting to get mine but i am a little scared




  1. everyone has different pain tolerance some say it hurts a lot, some say it hurts a little and some say it don't hurt at all, some get red, sore and some get after pain like period cramps but worst then them. then some don't get red, sore and no after pain..

    when i got mine done i never felt the lady piercing my navel with the needle. i never felt the lady putting the curved bar bell through my skin and putting the balls on and i was all done. mine never got sore, no redness and no after pain it was like it was never even there.  

  2. if you have a low pain tolerence it probably would. Atually iam 15 and i just got mine done last night! i love it! to top that off i got my nose pierced to my belly button didnt hurt that bad at all i think it hurt atually less then my nose it just lasted a few seconds longer! it was done and over with soo fast! i would say go for it i love mine! it just feels like getting a needle but in your belly instead after a while my belly button stung a bit though but my nose hurt worse and right now it doesnt even hurt but my nose stings once you get it done just make sure you always clean it:)...oh and go to someone who doesnt use a clamp it bruises your skin and it takes longer to heal it! thats what the lady who did mine said and shes a pro:) good luck

  3. yeah mine hurt pretty bad, but it depends on your body and your pain tolerance, the skinnier you are the more it is going to hurt.

  4. Nope, not at all.

    What they'll do is first they'll disinfect the general area. Then, they will take a clasp and take the skin above your belly button in which the piercing will be and mark the in and out holes, then they'll clasp the skin together, which might feel a little inconvenient, but not really painful. Then they'll take a long needle, and within a second, the needle will be through the skin from bottom to top. The body jewelry piece will be attached at the bottom of the needle, so as they're pulling it out, the jewelry will take it's place. You will need to keep it in for at least two weeks to allow proper healing, and then you can change it to whatever else you'd like.

    Honestly, I have ten piercings, and they do not hurt. Don't be scared :)!

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