
Does it hurt if you pour peroxide in your ear to get earwax out?

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can i pour it in the ear canal and have it not hurt?

i dont have an infection, just a lot of wax




  1. let me know if it works

  2. It won't hurt unless you have a cut in your ear. Then it can sting for a bit. It does feel a bit weird though. Our family describes the feeling as "wormies" in your ears. Takes a bit of time to get used to and it might make it hard to stay still. It really works for me though. Good luck:)

  3. Do NOT put peroxide in your ear without first discussing it with your doctor. There are commercial preparations or they can show you how to make some at home, but NEVER use peroxide straight from the bottle. There is a danger that if the Tympanic Membrane (Ear Drum) is damaged that the peroxide will enter the middle ear. If it does this it will likely cause irreversible hearing loss by physically destroying the bones that connect the TM to the Cochlea.

  4. heck no, i put that stuff in my ears daily.

  5. It doesn't hurt, it just feels funny, kind of foamy and he hear a bunch of fizzling

  6. yes, use rubbing alcohol on a q-tip instead. itll have heat, but wont hurt

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