
Does it hurt my credit score when I ask for quotes for car insurance?

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I just turned 25 and I'm tired of getting hosed on my premiums. I want to start shopping around but I know that the insurance companies check your credit score. What's the best way to go about getting quotes?




  1. No, it doesn't.  It's a "soft hit", just like credit card pre-approvals.

    Best way to get quotes is to go to a local, independent agent, so you only have to spew out the information ONCE, then let THEM chug away at getting you quotes with ten different companies.

  2. Answer from a General Insurance Agent

    No, It will not definitely affect your Credit nor your Credit Score in any way at all.

    Insurance companies do not even really look at your credit report. We do not look at any of your accounts. All we do is pull your "Credit Score". It's not even a Full Inquiry that we do.

    Inquiries from an insurer are not disclosed to creditors and by federal law can not be used in calculating your credit score. Every Credit Bureau knows this.

    The only one that can see inquiries on a credit report from an insurer is you yourself when you get a consumer copy of your credit report.

    If you've ever seen a consumer copy of your credit report, you may have noticed there are 2 categories in the Inquiries disclosure section. One of these categories indicates inquiries that are not disclosed to others and clearly states that these inquiries will not affect your credit. That's the one where Insurers shows up

    Anyone who thinks that Insurance Quoting gave them bad credit is mistaken. They already had bad credit before they started shopping for insurance.

    BTW: I'm also a Credit Services Specialist properly registered with the secretary of state since 1992.

    No need to worry, Shop around for a better rate.

  3. Yes, I know for a fact.  We just did it, and heard from friends who applied multiple times.  Too bad.  Limit all credit checks.

  4. It doesnt involve your credit score in anyway.  Shop around.

  5. The best way to go about getting insurance quotes is to call insurance companies and ask them.

    If you're getting 'hosed' on your premiums, stop getting tickets.

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