
Does it hurt!!!!!?????!!??!?

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i want to get surgery on my eye cuz every year my eye doctor says that im gonna need more prescription and i dont want to be wearing really thick glasses o n how much is it??




  1. yes it hurts for a few days, keep ice paks handy, the results will amaze you, the bit of pain is well worth it!  throw the glasses away

  2. You could wear contacts? the LASIC surgery is very expensive, 2,000 per eye, and for some people it hurts, though, if you have astigmatism the surgery cannot make every thing as clear as with glasses, but it will make it better than without glasses. ask your optometrist!

  3. You must wait until your prescription stabilizes for laser surgery, so you cannot have surgery to keep you from needing thicker glasses.  Once your eyes have stabilized, you will have to talk to your doctor to find out if you're a good candidate.

    I've never had it done, but from other answers I've seen on here, it ranges from about $2000-$3000 an eye.

  4. Go to a lasik place and have the free consultation.  They will tell you if you are a candidate for the surgery and how much it will cost.  The prices advertised start at 299 per eye but mostly everybody ends up paying more.  I paid 1500 per eye.  It doesn't hurt while they are doing it because they give you eyedrops that numb your eyes but my eyes hurt afterwards for about 4 hours.

    They will not do it though until your vision has been stable for a couple of years.  There would be no point in doing it now if your vision is still changing a lot because then you will just end up needing glasses again.

  5. If you are talking about lasik eye surgery, it about $299 per eye. You have several examinations. Don't know whether that is included or not. It says it doesn't take very long and doesn't hurt  but plan on being there for several hours and have someone to drive you home. Expect better eyesight pretty quick and recovery time is within several weeks of full recovery. I have been thinking about it! Not covered on insurance.

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