
Does it hurt really bad to get a piercing in your cartilage?

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Does it hurt really bad to get a piercing in your cartilage?




  1. I have nine piercings in one ear so I know all about this. I had all the ones in my cartlage done at walmart. Sounds silly but it was seterile and cheap. It hurts at first, then after feels warm and sore. Its uncomfortable to sleep on for the first few weeks until its healed. Also if your getting more than one its more painful becuase you know whats comming. I had my middle four done at the same time ( I had my first one on the bottom done when i was little, the next two up together, the top two in my cartilage together and the middle four together all in my right ear). If your worried take some tylenol before hand and bring something sugary like soda or candy with you. The sugar helps with the adreneline reaction your body has when you get a piercing and makes it a little more bearable. I also have my other ear pierced three time and my labret done. None of them were very bad and all worth it!!

  2. i mean it hurts because your getting a needle in you but the pain doesnt last that long,

  3. honestly, it hurts at first but the pain over time is what made me decide to take both of mine out. i got both my cartilages pierced at clairs on the same day. BIG MISTAKE. you should go to a piercing studio because they will use hollow needles and that makes a big difference and its definitely worth a little extra money. when you get them pierced with a gun, you're more prone to kelliods because the cartilage is not removed its just shattered and stuck there, if that makes any sense. i took mine out after a year because they were still sore to sleep on and when i changed my cuffs. hope this helps! good luck! ps. i think they're really cute and i wish i could have left mine in

  4. As much as your earlobe...


    Stings a bit, but not unbearable...

    good luk!

  5. it hurts like 4/10 with a needle 6/10 with a gun

  6. feels like a pinch when the needle's going threw, I couldn't even tell that they had already put it threw... it feels a little sore later on but not bad at all, it probably hurts less than getting your first hole pierced.

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