
Does it hurt really bad to get your tongue pierced??

by  |  earlier

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I kind of want to get one whenever i get older but i dont want to get one if it's like excruciating pain




  1. just make sure...

    if you get one...

    don't kiss a guy with braces...

    because it will get caught...


  2. ive never had it done but 3 of my friends have! they said itz just scary and then u barily even feel it, just like an hour later u do

  3. tounge piercings are S-T-U-P-I-D. just get your ears pierced

  4. Tongue piercing is very dangerous and can cause speech defects.

  5. People wouldn't pierce their tounge if it hurt that bad.

    here's a vid, doesn't hurt

  6. Well i've had my tongue eyebrow both ears pierced and my lip.

    hehe at first you won't be able to talk but you should do it

    i love mine as of now :)

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