
Does it hurt sleeping on your ear with a new tragus piercing?

by Guest60903  |  earlier

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I'm getting it pierced tomorrow and wanted to know which side I should get it on.




  1. for me even getting my lobes pierced hurt for a few days like 2 or 3 and i had to sleep with my head titled cuz i have lower back issue so i cant sleep on my tummy or my back - side only most of the time. so i would assume that anywhere else on ur ear because its more sensitive would case more pain making sleeping on the ear hurt. i only have 3 holes in each lobe so i have no experiences in piercings on other parts of the ear.  

  2. well honestly i got both of mine done the same day. they are driving my crazy cause they are very itchy and thats the healing time, and i don't sleep on mine lay my head on my arm so it the earring don't hit it or sleeping one it or you can take a towel and roll it up and put it in a C when you sleep and that works too. if you don't want to lay your head on your arm! i would get the left but honestly i paid 55 for both of mine!  

  3. Yes, it can also cause irritation and scar tissue formation until the piercing is healed. Try your best to sleep on the other side for a few months, or have it pierced on your non-sleeping side.  

  4. Mine didn't. The first night after I got it I could sleep on my ear perfectly fine. It was a little teeny bit tender but most of the aching that happened after the piercing had completely disapeared by the time I went to bed. And I'm no conan the barbarian, I have a pretty low tolerance to pain. When I got it pierced I yelled bloody murder in the piercing place. Most people say it doesn't hurt that bad, and they're probably right, mostly I disliked the sensation of the needle passing through my ear. Also some people say they hear a pop when they get their's done. I was expecting it and I heard no such thing. Kinda like that green flash when the sun goes down. You look for it but it ain't there.

  5. Yeah it kind of does it's going to be a little sensitive so i would try avoiding sleeping on that side.

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