
Does it hurt the animal when it is put to sleep?

by  |  earlier

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=[ for all the animals in shelters who are not wanted and then put to tearing right now thinking of dog had to be put to sleep awhile back because he was old and couldnt walk and ugh it was so sad. so my question is does it hurt the animal when they are put to sleep? i know the medicine stops their heart but i would think it would be painful




  1. the most the animal will feel if any at all is the needle after that they feel very sleepy and just dose off to never wake up again.

  2. No it doesn't hurt them(I think) Its just like drifting off to sleep, but instead they die :( Isn't it just like a gas they inhale... It's horrible but I think it's the most humane way.

  3. It's the same combination as when they use the needle on convicts when they die. snd no they dont feel anything but they needle.

  4. They don't feel a thing

  5. The animals are given an overdose of a pain medication that makes them sleepy and they slip deep into sleep by the time the heart stops and there is no pain.

    I could only hope that I can pass on like that.

  6. NO they just feel like they are really sleepy just like when a person is sleepy and then they just fall "asleep". sorry about your dog. :(

  7. I've sat with two of my dogs and one of my horses when they were being euthanized and it seemed very peaceful for them.  

  8. no not at all  

  9. no

  10. in all honesty how are we suppose to know? the same thing with people being killed with lethal medicines instead of the chair. They say they are painless but how could we really know until we go through what they have. It's not like we can ask them afterwords  if it hurt or not?

  11. no it dosent hurt them, gasing them on the other hand is HORRIBLE.

    Rescues used to gas there animals a while back, they used to stick a dozen or two into a metal box (almost like a bog deepfreez) they would then pump the box full of carbon monoxide, the dogs and cats would die slow, painfull deaths ( sometimes it would take 10 minutes for an animal to be fully 'gone') this method I think is cruel and I would never do this to my animal.

    Now when they put animals to sleep its much more peaceful. It's good that they use this new method because it only takes seconds for the animal to be fully 'gone', its a harder for you to see your animal go but your pet dosent feel a thing.

    I think it would be like being put to sleep for sugary. If you have ever been in sugary its very peaceful, no pain at all. You just drift off into a somewhat dizzy sleep and then you dream, except instead of dreaming your pet would be with other animals that had to go through the same thing.

    dont feel bad that you put your dog to sleep you did the right thing, instead of leaving him until he couldent walk in the yard or even eat anymore you let him go in peace.

    im very sorry for your loss.

  12. most pets are put under anesthesia before they are injected, because the "pink juice" does cause pain and there is an awareness of dying.  If the pet is under anesthesia, she doesn't feel a thing, just as people under anesthesia don't feel pain from surgery.  The only situations where this does not occur is when the vet is unable to do so without causing addtional strain to the animal.

    The term "put to sleep" comes from the anesthesia, not the actual act of euthanasia.

    an example of this would be when I had to have a cockatiel put down at a store I worked at.  The tech was getting ready to do a dental cleaning when the vet and I walked in with the poor little bird.  He wasn't going to make it and the vet wanted to quickly put him out.  the tech made a comment that she should just inject him because she needed to put the dog under and that it was "just a bird."  the vet quickly put the girl in her place, telling her that is wasn't "just a bird" it was a living creature and that it would feel the heart attack that the injection would cause if she didn't put him under.  I gained a lot of respect for that vet that day.  I just wish she could have saved that bird instead.

  13. The kind that's the shot doesn't hurt at all they just go to sleep peacefully. On the other hand a lot of places use gas chambers such as the ones in this video they have to suffer though not being able to breath and other horrible things. It's really sad.

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