
Does it hurt to get wisdom teeth extracted without general anesthsia?

by  |  earlier

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i know they will numb u with shots, but if they have to cut down deep, can u feel that? does it hurt while they are doing it, or it just hurts afterward? mine are half way in on the bottom, and my top ones havn't penetrated yet. so if they have to slice my gum open to get them out will i feel it?




  1. well actually, i just went throught the same thing.. they put u to sleep and when u wake up there usulally is no pain since urs are so deep and probubly not fully formed, there is no nerve in it... you wont remember any part of the operation... youll be sleeping..

  2. I am getting all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed on Friday. They are all impacted & not even up through the jaw bone, so they will definitely be cutting my gums open. Not looking forward to it, but I was also going to go the local anesthetic route like you. After a lot of research, I decided it'd be best if I was put under IV sedation. Which isn't being put completely out, but I won't remember anything that happened and I will be very sleepy and relaxed during the procedure. I would recommend discussing this with your dentist or oral surgeon. You won't feel any pain because of the shots, but from what I hear, it can be a traumatic experience hearing the dentist ripping your wisdom teeth, tasting the blood in your mouth, and sometimes hearing them break the tooth if need be. With IV sedation, you won't notice or mind what's going on around you. Good luck.

  3. My brother-in-law had his impacted wisdom teeth taken out with just the shot and he was fine. My husbands side of the family can take pain very well. I have to get 1 impacted wisdom tooth taken out and I would most definitely use general anesthesia. But I have had other wisdom teeth taken out and really all you feel is alot of pressure. Good Luck!

  4. The shots that you are talking about "freeze" your gums and surrounding area to that.  No you do not feel them cutting or pulling the tooth nor sewing if you require stitches.  If the gums have to be cut, then yest you will be sore for a few days.  If there is not cutting done, then there will be very little pain after the pulling.  They will inform you of what needs to be done as far as pain control, what to eat and what not to eat and for how long.  I have had my wisdom teeth  pulled and no big deal.  I also had to have some surgery on the gums, like I said it was tender for maybe 3 days or so...but nothing i could not handle, I took the pain med one day I think and I did not need it after that.  

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