
Does it hurt to get your braces off? How long does it take?

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I am getting mine off tomorrow and i am a little scared!




  1. i took mine off myself, still have some glue on my teeth though =/

  2. it doesn't hurt any more than getting them on, but there is no pain afterwards.  i loved it, when you rub your tongue over your front teeth it feels SO SMOOTH!!!   don't be scared at all, it's nothing compared to a lot of stuff the ortho does to your braces! (tightening, chains, etc...)

  3. doesn't hurt at might feel a slight pressure as they come off

    afterward they'll clean your teeth of any excess glue (this is just like getting them cleaned at the dentists) and if you want they'll shape them by shaving any bumps off (this might hurt a bit)

    afterward you feel great!!!

  4. Nope it doesn't hurt at all. All they do is take these plier things and clamp it on either side of the bracket and a tiny little tug will take the bracket right off your tooth. You barely feel anything. Just a tiny pop and it's off. Takes about a few minutes to pop all the brackets off.

  5. no wayy im getting mine off tomorrow too and im kinda nervous...haha sorry i dont have an answer tho

  6. honestly it doesn't hurt, but it sounds like they are breaking your teeth.

  7. No it dosn't hurt and it takes about 1 hour. Trust me it's not that bad

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