
Does it hurt to get your braces off?

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and how long does it take for top&bottom?




  1. no it doesn't hurt too bad

    it took around an hour to take mine off

    my gums felt and looked a bit swollen after

    but that's normal

    getting my braces off was one of the greatest days of my life lol,

    please answer my ipod question?!

  2. No it doesn't take long, less than maybe 20 - 30 minutes not even.

    It doesnt hurt at all, i couldnt even feel it really.

  3. No silly goose! It takes not too long at all! the time flies by! It feels as if a bunny is tickling you with a feather and chuckling the whole time! I wish i could do it again...lucky lucky lucky you

    answer mine please!!;...

  4. No, if I remember correctly it felt GREAT. Getting them taken off is the only good part of the whole process!

    It went very quickly, they just apply a solution that dissolves the cement.


  5. have you ever like jammed your finger in a door and it didn't really hurt until after you released all the pressure from it, i've heard it kinda feels like that, only not that painful

  6. i have braces and i heard that ur teeth feel really weak after u get them off

  7. nope. and if i remember correctly an hour and half (??? idk its been years now)

  8. nooo, it feels great! Usually its real quick. its a lot better than getting them on

  9. Nope, just feels weird when they scrap the cement off..

    How long, uhh... like an hour or so..Been a few years now!

  10. it doesn't take long. they're off in like 5 minutes.

    then they even out your teeth and polish them. it's not pleasant, but it's survivable.

    expect swollen gums and slimey teeth.

    and yeah. you proly will bleed a little bit.

  11. takes like 15 minutes it doesnt hurt and then they polish them and that is uncomfortable if u have sensitive teeth

  12.    In my experience, it doesn't hurt to get your braces off (at least, it wasn't any less comfortable than having them put on in the first place). I think it takes about an hour, maybe a bit more or less. It's been a few years for me.

       One thing to keep in mind - they will remove the glue that held your braces onto your teeth, as they should, but my advice is to be stubborn as heck and not let your orthodontist grind the *tips* of your front teeth flat so that they are all exactly the same length (for the sake of appearance) at the end of the procedure. Unless it means a lot to you to have them look absolutely perfect, it's not worth it. I wish I'd held my guns--my orhthodontist insisted and ground off way too much and now my teeth are painfully sensitive to cold things like ice cream or iced beverages. They also wear down and chip much more easily.

  13. not too long i doesnt take ong to get them off but after they btake them off they like sand that down and make them smooth and its a sstep by step process...maybe like half an hour

  14. nah it dosent hurt i had mine come off like a week ago and it felt great. they gave me a mirror and i got to see my beautiful teeth for the first time without braces. i could not stop smiling . It gonna feel great and u will remember this day for ever

  15. It is more like pressure than pain and it should not take to long at all 30-45 mins most likly.  Your teeth will feel strange after.  

  16. not really

    ide say the worst part of it is when they scrape the glue that they used to stick them on there, but its not horrid

    its less pain then when u got them on

    for me it took about 25ish minutes ide say

    but i guess it varies on ur orhtodontist

    p.s could u vote me best answer? if u think i am

  17. It's the most painful thing ever.  Sorry.

  18. No, it feels quite relieving (I've heard)

  19. It is totally painless! It goes so quickly also. It is a glorious day!

  20. it hurt a little .... and you will bleed

  21. i got my braces off last month

    & im very happy w/my new smile! ;DD

    well it kinda does hurt they pop off the brakets on each teeth.

    but its just a one second pain after it :)

    dont worry you'll be fine! :)

    be happy with your new smile!


  22. I was scared of mine being pulled off too, but it was no big deal.  It didn't hurt at all, and since they only pulled off two, I didn't even know they were doing it until I looked in the mirror.  I felt an extremely small amount of pressure, but it definitely didn't hurt.

  23. When I got my braces off they took a little while but it was shorter than when they put them on. It hurts at different times but it depends on who your orthodontist is and what they do. Mine was a jerk and so were his assistants. They didn't care what happened to you and he was very sexist. He huert me on numerous occasions but it wasnt like "ow ow ow ow ow!" It was like " whatever" So Im sure that it might sting for one second if that. But don't be scared. When you get them off you look so great!

  24. Not really - it will ache after like when you get adjustments.

    Will probably take about an hour, give or take.

    Good luck with your new smile!

  25. no i just got mine off a week ago and it doesnt hurt but it feels really odd and the spray they use to get the extra gunk off is really cold. and it took me top and bottom about an hour then half an hour for cleaning.

    good luck


  26. i got mine of two weeks ago and it didn't hurt, when they jiggle off the rings on your molars it hurts a little and when they snap off the wire on your braces there is some pressure  the nurse i had was nice and did it fast. when they scrape off the glue it feels weird. but that's about it

  27. it doesnt hurt that bad, it mostly just feels really wierd when they come off

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