
Does it hurt to have your period?

by  |  earlier

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im a guy, so i wouldnt know. is it painful, or is it just temporarily annoying.




  1. If you have cramps yes they will hrt, but if you don't then it won't hurt. Everyone don't get cramps, so maybe you'll be lucky.

  2. No, only the cramps hurt.

  3. wat da h**l... u're a guy why do u wanna know this??

    go to h**l

  4. pretty annoying.. cramps hurt but sometimes you can get sore. otherwise no it doesnt except for being uncomfortable.

  5. No it doesn't hurt itself, but the side effects do.  Cramps are a pain and sometimes your whole body hurts.  But the bleeding doesn't hurt no.

  6. the only thing that hurts are cramps and they are evil. other than that its just annoying

  7. The bleeding part does not really hurt but the constant cramping and pain and the sickness and fatigue. And when you have constant emotions and hormones raging it doesn't help any.

  8. not at all unless you get cramps or a headace.... i just got m first period and i was really scared but really its no big deal!

    steph xo

  9. depends if the girl has cramps.

    but yes, it is annoying lol.

  10. The cramps and bloating can be painful but like you mentioned it is mostly just the fact that it is annoying.

  11. It hurts and is very annoying. You are VERY lucky that you don't have to deal with any of this.  

  12. Yea its hurts when you have cramps which sucks.

    But having a period just feels like your constantly peeing lol

    and it depends on different people, because sometimes it feels you need to do a number 2 all the time or f**t all the time hahaha so yea

    only the cramps hurt like h**l!

    and if they do i recommend feminax! its brill :D

  13. It can hurt like shiiiiite

    But sometimes it doesn't hurt at all and sometimes it hurts a bit- you can carry on normally with your day....

    So yeah mostly temporarily annoying but sometimes really painful.  

  14. well , it only hurts when you get MAD cramps , those are a killer . but overall , its just really really anoying  

  15. will it dose when u have cramps but itReillyy rille a anodize u.

  16. it can be painful if you cramp up. some girls cramp really badly, some don't, I'm one of the lucky ones and I can say I have never had a period cramp. (it's because I'm a long distance runner) it's also EXTREMELY annoying. I think that's what makes us so moody! it's like this tickling costently... haha

  17. it's not painful but you sometimes get cramps and very irritated

  18. No, the period itself doesn't hurt, but you constantly feel a dripping coming out of the v****a. Some people(women) however experience cramps which can be painful. Also, because of all the hormones raging through your body during your period, women often experience mood swings and overall having your period is a pain in the butt.

    Hope this helps!

  19. No, its not like you are bleeding from a wound!!

    Period pains are the painful or at least a bit uncomfortable. These pains vary from woman to woman. Some feel it in a backache, others feel it in the lower belly. I get both, the lower belly feels like someone in massaging my womb in their hand, feels really uncomfortable!!! The most painful bit for me is swollen tender b*****s.

    The degrees of pain vary from woman to woman. Just because one girlfriend didn't suffer at all, doesn't mean the next girlfriend who is doubled over with pain is a drama queen. It can affect women differently. Hope that has helped a little.

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