
Does it hurt when dentists take your braces off?

by  |  earlier

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how does it feel?

what do they do?

does it hurt?

i just want to know =]]





  1. when i got mine off and they had to scrape off all the glue there was a couple that hurt but thats it

  2. no, it doesn't really hurt.

    i just hated the scrapping off of the glue.

    it's just more uncomfortable if anything.

    i had to hold a big metal piece in my mouth for what seemed like ever...

    i don't know why i had to, but i needed to swallow & it was kinda in the way.

    i hated that part. but other than that it's not bad. & the after is great- pretty teeth! :]

  3. Its been 10 yrs since I've had mine off, but I am the BIGGEST wimp.....I was very close to keeping the baby in rather than going through labor :)

    There's a lot of pressure but I don't recall much in the way of pain. Discomfort, but no pain.

    Good luck and ENJOY your teeth :)

  4. well i havent gotten my braces off yet. but i know ppl who have and they havent said anything about it hurting.

    and they would tell me.

    but im pretty sure they just take the wire off and then like drill kinda each one off. it seems pretty easy. i wouldnt worry

  5. I was there when my brother got his put on. They said be very careful when you eat because they just pop off, and he would see how easy they come of when he got them taken off. No pain! =]

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