
Does it irritate feminists that women now have equal opportunity but still choose to be housewives and mothers

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Avondrow: quite, but does it irritate feminists?




  1. Of course not. I like having choices!

  2. NO, it makes them glad. Afterall the whole point of liberation is the ability to choose

    EDIT: It's just a ploy by society to make more money - brainwashing people into having careers when they don't really want them.

    If given the choice I'd rather play the ps3 and faff about with some chores than work 40 hours a week and commute!

  3. No, choice is what we should have. Does it irritate you if a man stays home and takes care of the kids.

  4. Of course they are.

    Its not something that feminsts like to admit, but the majority of women would gladly give up their career to be a stay at home mum. They fought for choice, but the issue really is that women have the choice and men don't.

    Women have afr more choice than men when it comes to family planning, career, marriage(see family court), lifestyle choices, etc. And feminists have shown zero concern that its men who have had to pick up the bill for all their privileges.

  5. No.  Why would it irritate me?  The point of feminism is that we have choices.  Being a housewife and mother is an extremely demanding job (I know; I've done it).  If a woman chooses to do that very important work, then I say good for her!

  6. I wouldn't think so, as supposed to be the reason feminism was around; to empower women to make the choice that is best for them.

    What's bad about my answer? Geez! I think we should have a choice. Lord, no satisfaction from the peeps.

  7. To an extent, it does, because it violates the notion they've been having that home is a place where abuse and oppression takes place. They've painted the home as a prison, men as jailers and animals, and the workplace as salvation. Of course, the real situation couldn't be more different.

    There is a reason it's called 'work'. And also, just because feminists are misandrists who earn their own buck doesn't mean that all women have to be that way. While promoting choice for women, they've unfairly labelled the choice to stay home as 'wrong'.

    ----------------- ------------------ ------------------ -------------------

    Mariska is a clear example of a feminist who wants to alter biology. It's not gonna happen. Mariska, you're one of the few idiots (yes, you are one) I've seen who thinks something God-made and purely a consequence of nature is a violation of women's rights.

    Just another teen militant who think it is because of men that women get pregnant when they shouldn't. What a heinous crime heterosexual intercourse has become. What were those men thinking?

    You're also a feminist who somehow labels the choice of being a mother as 'wrong'. Those women used the choice women have to spread their legs. And they used their choice to raise their own children.

    Are you a daycare advertiser Mariska?

  8. Nope, because it's all about choice.

  9. LOL!  Yes, feminists hate it when women choose to be SAHMs, which just shows you how much feminism is about freedom of choice.

    "Being a housewife is an illegitimate profession... being a family-maker is a choice that shouldn't be. The heart of radical feminism is to change that".

    Vivian Gornick, The Daily Illini (Urbana), 25 April 1981.

  10. The dishonesty of many of the Feminists who post their drivel on this board is laughable. Linda Hirshmann's writings are discussed in an article in the July/August Atlantic monthly. And why Educated Women are electing or choosing to stay at home and raise children. Feminists are furious with their choice. Those who say otherwise are being dishonest and promoting disinformation. The Mommy Wars are raging between Boomer Feminist Women who demand younger Women become Career Gals. And the Younger Women who don't want to be chained to a chair in a cubicle.

    They say Feminism is about "Choice" their choice. While their Feminist Sisters say it is not. Laughable nonsense coming out of your mouth Princess. Feminists maintain they meaning the SAHMs are throwing away their opportunity for Independence and subservience to Men.

  11. I'm a feminist and I was a traditional SAHM for 25 years.  My daughter is a feminist and I am proud of her and my son-in-law for arranging for my daughter to be able to stay at home with their children the first five years.  Feminists fight for women to have a choice.  Traditionalists fight to force women to have only one choice.  People who fight to impose their pet "choice" onto all others are fascists.  Fascists irritate most normal people.  What REALLY annoys me are the tens of thousands of women every year who get dumped by their meal-ticket and are unemployable / uneducated / non-self-sufficient and then working men and women have to support them in all their Cinderella fantasy glory and their children with about a third of what is taken out of our paychecks .  When you're old enough to work someday and you see how much is taken out of YOUR check to pay the cable bills and feed and cloth and provide medical care for these kinds of dependent Cinderellas waiting for their next meal-ticket, you'll get irritated, too.

  12. Not that I've experienced.  The whole point was to provide options not orders.

  13. Yes, I can only answer from my personal experience with it.

    I had a friend who was a feminist/L*****n. We had been friends since high school. 15 years later, with her new found friends I started noticing little comments made to me about, "living off a man", or " saying I agree with my husband on certain issues because HE pays the bills", "saying my husband is more than likely not faithful to me because I'm at home and he is out and about and ALL men cheat" etc.

    I won't tell you what happened when I disagreed with them about women being police officers, firemen, or in active military combat!!

    We are no longer friends. I found it sad that because I don't agree with their opinions it made me their enemy.

  14. I saw an article on that the other day, its around 50/50 among the privileged women of america.

    Yet we have quotas???

    The article mentioned that it was frustrating for the feminazi leadership, its something that they don't like being brought up.

  15. to be fair we'd be f**ked without them, as men just cant be arsed or dont now how 2 clean. Plus women have the natural instinct etc to look after babies and can feed them at a moments notice. so really, it's down to choice, but housework swings in a woman's favour and not vice versa

  16. I'm a stay at home Mother...and I work from home. What's important is that people have the choice.

  17. No, because women are so self obsessed they want it both ways.

  18. Even feminists couldn't deny that, although we have far more freedom of choice now, it doesn't change nature. We carry and give birth to our children and generally speaking have a more nurturing instinct when it comes to our offspring. There are women who would love to be more 'equal' and have good jobs but circumstances prevail and sometimes its not choice, just life s**+tting on you again.

    Yes, there are creches and nurseries and after school clubs for older children but not for everyone. so it is not always an option.

  19. 'Choose' is the operative word here!

  20. Women still have no 'equal opportuntiy'.

    They still have to carry the baby for 9 months and look after it.

    Or were YOU going to do that for your wife/girlfriend?

  21. Was not aware we had equality of opportunity...and as long as there is attached to being someones wife or mother then fine...of course, there are some women who are still forced into these states, Forced Marriage at the fore in the UK

  22. I wouldn't go so far as to suggest 'equal opportunity' yet exists, but the point in equal opportunity is the right and ability to choose and that isn't anything to get irritated about, I think it might irritate people to suggest that choice is better or more worthwhile, but that's another question

  23. Why would it.

  24. of course not, why would it?

  25. Yes, it makes feminists insanely angry.

    Feminists are angry all the time, but stay-at-home women makes them double angry. This is good.

  26. No. It irritates me that you think this irritates us when it doesn't.

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