
Does it irritate you when normal size people make fun of fat people?

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A really fat guy comes into our office to drop off some work related paper work. My friend says (luckily the guy was already gone.) "Someone needs to place a pad lock on his refrigerator!" I reply "Just because he's fat doesn't mean that he eats alot. Certain medical conditions can cause people to gain lot's of weight. Like metabolic issues."

My friend replys "Well his refrigerator is killing his metabolism because he looks like the Good Year Blimp." Me personally? I don't think that it's funny to make fun of people like that. Even if they do have an eating issue, who are we to judge them?




  1. You are right and they have enough problems .. if someone is a bit overweight that's not a great problem but if someone is obese that can cause enormous health risks so why not just let people be who they are as long as they feel comfortable in their skin.. who are we to judge them that would be prejudice.. and I am against prejudice of all kinds that comes to weight as well as judging people by their religion or their cultural background or skin colour.. we are after all each of us created equal.. meaning.. there is nobody superior and nobody inferior. therefore prejudice is a sign of ignorance whatever the prejudice is about...The above answerer says if you are obese it's 100 % their fault..  well perhaps so.. but it won't help; if we if we are thinner laugh at fat people.. we don't laugh at handicapped people...  we don't laugh at people who are not fluent at speaking English because English is not their mother tongue. that all would be prejudiced if a fat person feels bad about obesity.. they can join a weight watchers club and if they have the willpower and determination they can lose that weight but it's up to them to want to do that.. not up to us to tell them  to go and lose the weight...

  2. Its their fault if they allowed themselves to be obese.

    Theirs ways to get around medical coniditons.

  3. I think it's rude to make any sort of personal comment, no matter what.  Of course if you wanted to return the favor, you could have looked to this friend and said, "Maybe he should just look at you and he'd lose his appetite."

  4. You're a nice person.

  5. I truly believe that "what goes around comes around".  I also believe that you treat everyone as you want to be treated.

    I am so sick of skinny people making fun of people that are overweight!  Even if it is disgusting to them, have some manners and keep your thoughts to yourself.  The person you are belittling has feeling also.

    Be kind and you will be treated kindly, too.

  6. uhm...sometimes

    but you have to admit, mean jokes are pretty funny although at times rude and unneccessary

  7. No.  Speaking as an obese person, it's 100% my own fault.  If you're fat, it's your fault.

  8. Yes , it's very rude of them.

    And whoever make fun of fat people; they might become fat later in their life.

    You are better than they are.

  9. Making fun of someone based on their personal appearance is always rude.  However, defending this stranger on possible metabolic issues is not the way to handle it.  The rudeness was that he made a comment about his appearance, not the mechanics of what makes a person fat.  Personally, I ignore someone when they make rude comments like this when the person is out of earshot, and file away, then I adjust my opinion of the person who made them.  There's no point in arguing with this person.  You just gave him ammunition to justify his opinion - you didn't convince him of anything.

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