
Does it list incoming calls and phone numbers on your land line phone bill?

by  |  earlier

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does it list incoming calls and phone numbers on your land line phone bill?

like, if i call someone's house (not mobile), will it list my number there on their phone bill? i don't have caller ID.




  1. If you call someones elses house...and they have caller ID they will be able to see your number.

    If they don't have caller ID and decide to check things out...

    the phone company can tell where the call came from..

    If you're doing something and don't want to get caught...

    better not take the chance....

    Good Luck ....and be nice !

  2. ... well if you ask for itemize bill, you will get the list, if not, I don't think  you'll get it and that is for Malaysia - other countries -  how should I know! I suppose it apply for other countries as well.

  3. no not on your bill for incoming just out going but if you have caller ID and someone is ringing you, you will see there number show up on the display.

  4. No.

    You are quite safe you naughty boy!

  5. I am pretty sure mine just shows the calls I make on the bill not the ones that I receive.

  6. no...they only list the calls you make on your bill...not incoming calls.

  7. No dude it would not list , so you carry on with your work however you should be careful because they can trace your number with the help of their service provider.

  8. You have to ask for an itemised bill, I have one everytime I get a bill, and whoever your calling might have one also. you could 141 it before the number!

    Sorry itemised is for the calls I make!!

  9. i think so. if you don't want it to be seen just dial *67. it's free.

  10. No not in the UK or the USA - cannot comment on others.

    A call generated will show on CLID - Calling line ID unless you have CLIR - Calling line ID Restriction - This can be set to permanent or to an a one off basis.

    Contrary to others, your service provider will NOT give this information out even if you ask for it. It is however collected by the exchange, so depending on what you are doing be careful!

    To gain the information in the UK or the USA requires intervention from the police or a court of law, the service providers will cooperate with either of these but will not release information to end users.

    I hope this helps?

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