
Does it look bad to colleges to transfer schools twice?

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I transfered to a different school for my sophomore year, and now I want to transfer for my junior year- will this look bad for colleges?




  1. As long as your grades are strong I don't think it matters.

  2. It really depends on what college you're applying to next. Some of the more competitive colleges may be concerned about you hopping around like that. Other colleges won't care.  

  3. It all depends on what college and/or university your going to apply to next. Some colleges do not like the thought of several transfers.

  4. ask berthold

  5. Not exactly, I have done the same thing basically, and I had not real problems with the transfers. In fact, some jobs interviews find it interesting on your resume and want to talk able it. The only complications I had was credits transferring from one school to another. Especially from a private to public university. They will want you to take their class rather than let a class transfer in that may have taken that was very similar to the class they want you to take. Do what works for you!!  

  6. I don't think so? It's good to be versatile and get around while you can.As long as you aren't doing it because you keep failing all your classes at other schools and want to try and find something easier.

  7. I'm not sure; hopefully not. They'll certainly be wondering why are you moving around so much. But in the end, college is about furthering your education and strengthening their pockets. Just be sure to keep your grades up.

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