
Does it look like I could be pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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I am TTC for over a year. Here is my history:

I have very irregular periods. I started taking Vitax to regulate my period (for about a month).

For a few days my nipples are sore and swollen. Also I started to have brownish spotting. I am not sure if it's the beginning of my menstruation or something else. Also today in the morning when I was cleaning the bad tub, I got dizzy from Clorox. I never had that before. Do you have any opinion if I might be pregnant? I already loosing my hopes. When I went to the doctors, they checked me and didn't find anything abnormal. They said I have to go to fertility clinic, but that is too expensive for me ( insurance doesn't cover). Is it possible to have swollen nipples at the beginning of menstruation? Thank you a lot!




  1. Maybe you should try testing good luck :)

  2. id  c  a doctor u may not be pragnent but u might have had  an allerdic reaction with one of the medicinces and it can be very dangerous  

  3. Hey, I to have been TTC for over a year (Sheesh!)  Every single time I had a brownish discharge, I had sore breast, and then my period would come 2 days late.  It's just a enough to drive you mad.  I have learned not to give my hopes up if you have any brown, pink, or red discharge. I did my research and only about 20% of women actually have implantation bleeding.  It's really NOT common at all.  I had seen alot about it on here, but it's mostly wishful thinking.  Just hang in there, I know this is hard for some of us.  It will happen when it's meant to be. I can't afford a fertility clinic either.  But I've learned alot about charting my CM which has helped me determine when I need to do the baby dance.  Good Luck!

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