
Does it make anyone else sick watching old cougars hitting on younger men in the work place?

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I mean come on ladies! These women in my office are like ancient! This one was 39 years old and she was totally flirting on this guy my age! I'm not going to compete with someone that fricken old! Just because she is a s***k and never got married doesn't mean she has to hit on all the young cute guys in my office! It just makes me sick! Does anyone else get disgusted when you see older women flirting with younger men? I mean its a huge difference when an older man flirts with a younger girl. The girl is attracted to them because they are wise and they usually have money. But I mean older women? Come on it just makes me sick! Don't you guys agree?




  1. well,,just try to impress ur 'man' and i may not be the 'one to advise' cuz i am just 13 lool

  2. So what? She doesn't stop you from hitting on those guys, does she? Just do your thing- don't worry about her, or any other woman!

  3. I know! I'm in the same situation. This old woman at work who had a baby when she was 16 flirts with all the cute guys that come in through the golf course. It makes me absolutely sick! And to think I have to compete with that nasty old wrinkly woman makes me worry about my future and the kind of man I can attract

  4. First of all your showing a bad lack of maturity. Also if you think 39 is old you must be very insecure and immature. As a man i find most women in there late 30's to mid 40's are very sexual and attractive if they have taken care of them selves. Woman of that age are much more experienced in all stages of life and are less impetious than younger girls who are usually just about them selves. I could go on with more examples but i think you got the idea.

  5. What a load of double standards. This is no different from old men who flirt with young girls - and men with money don't turn everyone on, speak for yourself. Are these women hurting you in any way? No. So let them have their fun.

  6. It all depends on the people involved.

    I was so grossed out one night at work but not much I could do about it.

    I was stuck dealing a sit down style blackjack game to a group of around 4 young men in their mid 20's. They were ok and just having some fun when this much older women who was already very tipsy sat down at the table.

    She was openly flirting with all of them and talking about how she liked to watch female strippers etc. She was a total s***k,I was really wanting to just get up off the game and walk out. I just might of done it to but it was a good paying casino job, a real night in h**l.

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