
Does it make me a tease if i...?

by  |  earlier

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okay, so i simply don't have time for a relationship right now but that doesn't mean i don't like to flirt anyway! is it wrong to text and flirt with guys if i told them straight up front that i'm not getting in relationship i'm just going with the flow this year and having fun? especially since they all approached me... i didn't start anything. is this wrong? i'm just curious. i don't want to hurt anybody.




  1. It isn't wrong if you let them know you aren't interested in anything more than friendship. Otherwise, if you keep flirting they'll think you're leading them on. So just be honest and then have fun!

  2. It doesn't matter if you make it clear that you do not want a relationship.  Some men are so gullable.  If you flirt innocently with them they might take it seriously and you will be the one to suffer the harsh consequences.  Be careful.

  3. No, its not wrong...especially if you are upfront with them.  I really understand not having time and wanting to have enjoy the attention and don't break too many hearts....

  4. I dont think its wrong as long as you tell the guy(s) that you're not looking for a relationship. I'm doing what you're doing and I feel fine with it...Some guys might try to talk or force you into a relationship. Some think they can change your mind, so you have to be aware of these guys cuz they'll try to make you feel like what you're doing is wrong and guilt trip you into doing what they want you to do. Just be firm with your decision, do what you want, and don't let anybody tell you otherwise :)

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