
Does it make more sense as a question?

by  |  earlier

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Dalliance languid,

preaching its own


creating its own

paradise chaotic.

I am the slave

of feeling;

the moment

calls my name

and I must answer,

or find myself

as I once was,

the pawn

of time and





  1. And we are free from time and chance when we take hold of our own life and stop living by the perceptions and confinements of a society that wills us to be slaves! And we have the power to free ourselves because it is simple perception that binds us and no more... but when others are bound by these "false" chains then they will try to keep us there with them, bound alongside them so that they are not alone... Let us hope that more people free themselves soon and in hope we may show them a part of the way to do so...

  2. You have an exquisite gift for imagery. The meaning for me is an after thought.

  3. This is beautiful -- I wouldn't change it to a question at all.  You might consider writing the poetic answer though.


  4. Re the last stanza: aren't we all?  Good question.  Good poem.

  5. One must be aware that one can recycle.

    Pondering words from you as always.

  6. you are free.

    and your poetic self is pure & true.

    what does one do to say better than thanks

    for all the exceptional epics you write?

    on a relative side and exposing the funny talk

    im accussed of i would say

    when potatoes call my name from the dirt

    its the strawberry patch that says its a good thing.

    today anyway..

    and a pawn of time and chance?

    dont we also take the time, and take the chance?

    sometimes i think its all we have.

    thanks for all you ponder!

  7. very good

  8. the image i have when reading this one of my childhood when in the woods with my sister we would come across  the wild  orchid "Jack in the Pulpit"  now I will forever see it as a a perfectly glorious metaphor for our lives. Thank you for  sharing the wonderful gift  you have of painting word pictures.

  9. It ONLY makes sense as a question, whose implication is that you are not. I think it is a concise and perfect expression of how you think of yourself - passive and a victim. And so, as a work of art, it is excellent and true.

  10. Delicious! What a treat! These were all great...

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