
Does it make sense PAYING to do volunteer work in a 3rd World country?

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I've been looking for opportunities to do volunteer work, but in most places, although food and accommodation is for free, we have to pay! I feel it as taking advantage of the good will of other people... What do u think? The last one I saw u had to pay 1500$ for 2 months..




  1. There are no "free" volunteer opportunities. Unless you have some very specific and sought after skill, it is far cheaper to hire someone locally to help out than the fly someone in from another country.

    So, yes, it make sense for the organziation coordinating the volunteer program. Whether it makes sense to you or not depends on how eager you are to travel to a certain region or to work on a certain project.

    At least you can write the cost of travel off your taxes as a charitable donation.

  2. It makes total sense. *Someone* has to pay staff to create a volunteering opportunity for you, to train you, to supervise and support you in your service, to provide for your security and safety, and to liaison with local government offices and the police. *Someone* has to pay for your local transportation and any costs that might come up in order to get you emergency medical care or to evacuate you from an area in case of danger. And *someone* has to pay for the costs of your accommodation, food, translator support, etc. For all that money, an organization could hire lots and lots of local people -- people who need the money much more than you need the volunteering experience.

    Unless you are a highly skilled person who can work in a language other than English and have an area of expertise that's desperately needed in a location (can you design a water filtration system and supervise its building with local people and local materials? have you managed an HIV/AIDS education or treatment program? do you have medical training? have you ever set up a literacy program?), you can expect to pay for all of your expenses for volunteering, because it's just not worth it for these organizations otherwise to pay for your feel good experience.

    Here is a web site that can help you learn more about the skills and experience desired by organizations that don't charge volunteers but require volunteers to be *highly*-skilled:

  3. you would be volunteering on your own behalf-your'e not a guest.  It would cost to take care of you. Just look at it as physically and financially volunteering or get sponsors to pay.

  4. Thats because the food and accommodation is not free you are paying for it.  Do you think people in underdeveloped countries should pay for you to have a free vacation?

  5. Yes it does make sense.  These organizations need an influx of money somehow in order to maintain their infrastructure and continue to support and work towards achieving their cause.  In addition, why do you think you are food and accomodation are FREE??  Think about it.

    Furthermore, you should do your research and know that we no longer use the term 3rd world country-- it was replaced by less developed country or LDC a decade ago.

    One more note-- I challenge you to live anywhere in the world for under $1500 for two months.

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