
Does it make sense that the chauffeur of Bin Laden gets life in prison to justify Bush´s Gitmo aberration?

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Today we marked another historical date on our recent shameful history. We found the chauffeur of Bin Laden in Afganistan to be guilty of terrorism and some other related issues. He will spend the rest of his life in jail. Needless to say that the jury, prosecutor and defense were all from the US army. Any regard for lawness in this case is obviously completely out of question. Everything that was used against this guy was achieved out of torture at Guantanamo for the last 5 years. No court even in North Korea will dare to go as far on this theatrical play, but its ok, we are talking about Bush´s administration and voters here.

We have to be cool enough to aproach this issue. Yes, its true that any member of the Bush family would have loved to drive Mr. Bin Laden around before 9/11. After all he was a wealthy friend and a partner until then. But of course we are not judging Mr. Bush or his family, we are just judging a poor working low class individual that was willing to drive Bin Laden or the devil if needed for the right amount of money to make a living. That is called capitalism and we are very proud of it. But we are not blaming him for that. His real guilt comes from the fact that the incompetent government of Mr. Bush has not been able to catch his boss, or the number 2 of Al qaeda or even the number 1 Al qaeda in Afganistan. So, the Bush administration and the American people needed the satisfaction and peace of mind to condeming someone, does not matter really who it is as long as we get the feeling that someone is paying for what happened 9/11. Well then its ok I guess. This jerk will go to jail forever and a lot of us - also jerks of a different type - will feel compensated and happy with just that. Unfortunately, the rest of the world and the future American generations will puke when they recall on all of this.




  1. WOW, the payment you're getting for such a passionate defense must be huge!

  2. It sickens me, when I watch a supposed American take sides with a terrorist, scum sucking, son of a *****, who would slash your childs throat as it screamed for you to save it, just so you could bash Bush and the USA.

  3. makes sense to me.

  4. It's a grubby fix-up when grown officers besmirch the dignity of their

    of "the land of liberty" in this "tom-foolery" of a "trial"

    The last chapter of this affair has yet to come    

  5. BOOO HOOO!! WA WA!!!! The terrorists around the world who want to cut our throats just love America hating Americans like you.  

  6. Whether he is the leader of the insurgents or not is irellevant he is still a criminal and deserves punishment

  7. You are to be pitied-I do not know where to even begin with you.  You defend criminals and work it out in your mind that bad is good and good is bad.  

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