
Does it make you feel nice and warm inside to see wind turbines across the landscape?

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Consider that if there were no government subsidies, wind turbines would never be considered. Look at for the facts on wind power.




  1. There are about 300 just east of me...  And YES !!!  makes me feel warm and fuzy to see them.   Iam also on the west coast.   I can't WAIT for them to get ocean wave generators online.

    Would you rather burn coal?

    BTW...  The very next time you microwave something consider that you wouldn't have it without the gov. subs.

  2. Subsidies are necessary for renewable energy, because unlike in other markets, there is a clear future need for it despite it obviously not being the best economic choice right now.  Left on its own, the market would far too heavily favor oil up until it runs out, at the expense of national security and major depression (not just a couple companies going bankrupt)

  3. no they make me dizzy

  4. Plenty of other economic sectors wouldn't exist or operate as they do without government subsidies.

    Also, one should never get "the facts" from one place alone. People and organizations often have distinct biases and it is very easy to only present the "facts" that support your claim.

    Yes, seeing wind turbines does make me feel warm and fuzzy. I first saw them along the autobahn in Germany and I thought they were quite beautiful. And, by being along the autobahn and along field boundaries, they weren't in people's backyards which eliminates whole noise and light issue (I could see if you lived close enough to them that they interrupted your lighting from the sun that they would cause harm to people living there).

    As for birds, it depends on who you ask:

    And, what's wrong if the amount of energy derived by wind isn't available at the flip of a switch? If you give the wind power priority in the grid, you can turn on and off the other non-renewable sources as needed. Hydro power is touted by your "fact" source, but that also has it's problems. Damming rivers disrupts ecosystems and has other downsides as well.

    What's wrong with wanting to harness the wind, sun and tides to get energy? These things won't run out any time soon (geologically speaking) and when they do, well.. we'll have other things to worry about if we are still around.

  5. i can't feel warm and fuzzy with the knowledge that there are still evil oil companies out there, drilling for oil and what not


  6. i read those things make birds and bats lungs explode. so if i were a bird/bat, i'd probably feel warm inside--because of all the blood gushing around from my exploded lungs.

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