
Does it make you mad knowing Mexican Nationals are living in federal section 8 housing?

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So I got this Neighbor who's living in Federal subsidized housing...only she let to go to Mexico two months ago to marry some man there...two weeks ago a Mexican family Mom and three boys age late teens to early twenties move in... only their living in a housing program rent free that was set up to help poor and elderly Americans! Not Mexican Nationals....

I did call the Albuquerque Housing Service

everyday last week but never got past voice mail....

well there still there using our tax payer money...taking away from other American citizens in I ask how does that make you feel???




  1. It is not right.  I would keep on calling, or try and get a different number.

  2. No, what makes me mad is the blood loss in Iraq and Afghanistan and the billions upon billions of taxpayer money used to fuel wars without end or objective.

  3. It makes me feel sad that someone would assume they are illegal because they are Mexican.  You say your neighbor left to go to Mexico and came back, that means she is legally able to cross the border, then you say two weeks ago Mexicans moved in, so I guess they are illegal because you say so without any facts. Section 8 housing has guidelines to be sure and obviously they met them like you did. You have no way to know who is an American citizen and who isn't, your situation reeks of bigotry and that is probably why the housing service never called you back. Good for them.

  4. Illegals getting any kind of gov. assistance makes me angry.  They are bankrupting hospitals, school systems, car insurance, and the welfare system that had enough leeches w/o a whole other country's worth of bums. Meanwhile i cant get treated for migraines, have to work 2 jobs to pay rent, and couldnt get foodstamps if my life depended on it, even though 23% of my check goes to support these programs.

  5. The same way it feels when Americans cheat and/or use the system. ...... Like everyone is looking for a hand out; not a hand up. It doesn't matter to me that they are Mexican or not. There's so many holes in the system its gonna break someday like the levies in New Orleans.

    Imagine if subsidized housing didn't exist; how many people would actually be forced to stop having children and work!

    For instance, if I wanted to have a child right now I could get free housing/subsidized....... THAT is a shame!

  6. Yes it does. Our waiting list for housing assistance in my area is years long. But,the few section 8 apartments we do have in town are not being given to American citizens. I would love to know how they get these apartments so quickly when others are still waiting. Our downtown area where these apartments are located has become a slum. You couldn't pay me to go there after dark.

    My disabled niece waited for over 2 years to get help. The only way she was able to get help was to move into elderly housing.

  7. it's happening everywhere and it  pisses me off. I am waiting on section 8 housing and the wait is up to 12 months.. in some bigger cities it's up to 5 years and for several years they haven't even taken applications for housing UNLESS you are illegal. Our homeless population has never been so high (and nobody wants to help those people because they say that if you are homeless it's because you want to be or because you are alcoholic/addict).. Nobody thinks about the fact that there are no low income housing left for US citizens.


  9. It seems to me that the system is set up for the illegals more so than the American TAX PAYING citizen. honestly, it bugs the heck out of me!

  10. it makes me feel mad enough is enough i want to take back America from these illegals we need stuff like that for are American born citizens who are with out a home and job not them

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