
Does it make you mad????

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Now please dont think im saying im against bottle feeding....because im not when there is a medical reason,or the mother is in severe pain trying to breastfeed etc...

but i was just looking on my facebook and there is a girl who recently had a baby,she is bottle feeding (now i know for a fact there was no reason for her not to be able to breastfeed) and there are loads of pics of the baby up late at night being bottle fed by a child(not just a one of either). Whilst the mother is outside getting drunk and smoking...

is it just me or does it anger you that its clear she just didnt want to breastfeed so she could carry on her normal life? i have devoted myself to my baby and i am still exclusively breastfeeding at 5months,i do not smoke and havent drank since before i got pregnant....

again please dont think im against bottle feeding!!!! and i understand not all mums who bottle feed act this way,so no rude answers..





  1. thumbs up for ruby's mom. couldn't have put it better myself.

  2. Another in support of Ruby's Mom!

  3. i think she sounds like a very selfish person who doesnt deserve to have children - not cos she doesnt breastfeed cos who would let their baby be looked after by god knows who while she gos and gets drunk. If i were you i would send social services round in a flash

  4. I breastfed my little boy until he was about 14 months, I feel glad and proud I was able to do this for him and we fit our lives around him, not that we have him in a strict routine but things like my partner changed jobs and took a cut in pay to have more time at home and I went from working full time to just 15 hours a week, he's the most important thing in our lives. It doesn't anger me that people behave this way it just makes me sad for the children that their mother is not doing everything she can to give them the best start in life. I stopped smoking when we were trying to get pregnant and have never started again, and I didn't drink when I was pregnant either, it annoys me when I see pregnant people smoking and drinking because I don't think its that difficult to give something up for 9 months for the sake of your unborn baby.

  5. yes that does anoy me alot

    and breastfeeding makes your baby healthier, live longer and cleverer.

    and you lose like 250 callories every time you breastfeed!!

  6. i dont get mad over the breastfeeding part but i do over the part where the child is feeding the baby and not a adult.Regardless of the time of night as babies all wake at different hours but it is not up to a child to look after the baby. But then again if it is only 1 or 2 photos the child may of wanted to help the parent of the baby. Photo's can paint a thousand words and tell many stories but the only way of knowing the truth is to be there when the photo is taken

  7. Yes it does, I agree with you. When we become mothers we need to understand the responsiblity, and realise that sacrifices to our 'normal' lives need to be made.

    It saddens me when women deny this responsibility, it is selfish.

    If women arent prepared to do everything in their power for the benefit of their infants then they shouldn't have become mothers.

  8. this is a ridiculous question. of course it is unbearable to see any evidence that children are not being properly cared for. but your little story which you have either made up or put together based on - what? -- facebook photos??? you say the PHOTOS are of the baby up late being fed by a child while mom is outside partying?? wait a minute: there is a clock in the photo, and you can see mom outside through a window or what? sure is lots of info to get froma candid facebook photo. first of all, this is totally contrived -- you just want to make a point and sound like some sort of watchdog. furthermore, twisting it all up to link bottle feeding to debauchery and bad parenting -- depsite your lame disclaimers -- is outrageous. don't you have anything better to do with your time than go to such great lengths to make an unfair and inaccurate point? and, wow, you are such a hero for not drinking or smoking. wooowwwww. you and 99% of the moms on here.

    you don't get to ask stupid questions and then demand "no rude answers." and this is a rant, not a question, really. stop worrying about other moms and take care of your own baby.

  9. Hi it does annoy me, but dont class every mother out there that is bottle feeding to be a selfish ***** only bottle feeding so she can drink and smoke, as that is not the case.

    I am going to bottle feed,when my baby as its just my perferance, I was bottle fed and there is nothing wrong with me, I would rather see my baby grow and be full rather than be hungry 24/7 from me not making enough milk what so ever. Its not that I am lazy, as you still have to make the bottles etc. and its alot harder that wipping out a boob breast feeding is the natures way but the easiest way if you ask me. If I had to do it of course I would, but there are bottles here now for us to use so I will use them.

    As for that woman on facebook, she is just a bad mother, and not all parents that bottle feed are like this and you know it, but I would seriously have somthing to say to this mum if I was on facebook, as its wrong so wrong.  

  10. i bottle fed my little boy from birth, not because i didnt want to breast feed, i had intended on doing but after he was born but he was constantly vomiting everything which he had suckled from me and i was also getting quite sore, so i decided to try formular as i could see how much he was taking in (as you dont know how much they have actually had by breast) i regret i didnt try again but in the end he was happy on bottle....i am not against bottle feeding but my cousin, who gave birth 2 weeks after me and was 17 at the time, had no intention on breast feeding as she though it was disgusting, she also gets people to feed the baby whilst she goes out fo a cig and goes out every weekend and she sed she couldnt if she beast fed...i thought this was disguting because she baisically said it would interfere with her life if her baby wasnt bottle fed, i also didnt have my first drink until my baby was one!!

    when i was pregnant i was encouraged to breast feed, and i am hoping with my next one to do it!!

  11. You say your not against bottlefeeding and in the same phrase you say when there is a medical reason or pain. But otherwise you are against it.

    I bottlefed after 2 weeks cause i had dried up. But for those who simply just chose to bottle feed from the start, there is nothing wrong with that either. Doesn't mean that they love their baby less or they don't want to devote all their time to their baby. It is just their CHOICE, for whatever reason they choose.

    You are just assuming she didn't want to bf because she want to keep her normal life, but do you know that as a fact? Or is that what you are just reading from some pictures you seen?

    It angers me when pple come on here and basically judge those who chose to bottle feed. It is just as annoying, even more so.

  12. Sometimes b/f doesn't work for some people, i myself breastfed 2 of my children and my last one i did for 13.5 months...

    however.. even if she didn't want to b/f her child so she could carry on a normal life that's up to her..

    i don't think its right that she should be letting children feed her child whilst she is outside getting drunk like you say..a child needs there mother or father for that bonding, but then that's y bottle feeding is so convenient because others can help out.

    however, deciding which method to feed a child is up to the mother and unfortunately you are just going to have to let her get on it with it..

    just worry about you.. i am pleased to hear that you have managed up to 5 months i don't think there are enough mums who b/f there children and i do think that more mums should try but its up to them!  

  13. We each do our best for our children.  It's not our place to judge others without walking a mile in their shoes.  I am a big fan of nursing, but I understand it doesn't work out for every family.

  14. i think u should get off your high horse and stop preaching to everyone else what they should do with there child. i have three boys all bottle fed and yes it was my choice because i can'deal with that part of my body been touched does that make you a better parent?haha

    i like you want the best for my children who may i say are very happy,healthy,cleaver children but its not a competition lol i don't agree with the drinking and what not but our children our choice don't slate every mother over 1 mum u seen

  15. some people are just not fit to cant judge the girl who had the baby. maybe she is too young for a kid. i do think it is selfish how mothers dont breastfeed so they can carry on wth their normallife but posting it on yahoo wont help. instead i think you should talk to your friend and ake her understand if she love her child she should be willing to sacrifice some things for the welfare of her kid.

  16. When my child is born, I am choosing to bottle feed. I wish I could breastfeed but as you so nicely put it, I need to continue on with my life.  My 10 year old son has already been told that he will need to help out with feedings.  I am completely devoted to my children and take offense at anyone who would say otherwise.  Breast feeding and bottle feedings are personal choices. Neither choice makes you a better or worse mother.  I have no medical reason for choosing bottle feeding other than i dont want to be so tired everyday that i cant take care of my child. you're life should not be put on hold because of a child it should be enriched by it.

  17. I dont drink or smoke or go out to party and I have had three kids with my first two I didn't even try breast feeding for me it just wasn't my thing I know it's natural and all but I just didn't want to do it, with my last child I tryed the breast feeding thing to see and I did it for a little while I just didn't like it I know its a bonding thing but for me it wasn't I did the bottle with all my kids and I knew what they got into them and I bonded with my kids I think the same way I think it's up to each person how they feel about it and what helps them breast feeding or bottle feeding doesn't really matter being a good caring loving mother is the most important part of raising a child and no one should judge any one were all different unfortunately there are some women who shouldn't have ever had kids but they did and hopefully if there kids have kids they will learn to not be like there parents  

  18. It should make you angry that the mother is not at home taking care of her children at night. It should not make you angry that she chose to bottle feed. That decision, quite frankly, is none of your business.  

  19. It is ridiculous, but at least the mother has enough wherewithal to bottle feed her baby if she knows she'll smoke and drink, so at least the alcohol doesn't get transferred to the baby.  The one advantage to the sibling feeding the baby is he or she will hopefully learn from seeing the mother's mistakes and be a better parent some day.

  20. Well I think I wouldn't want her to breastfeed if she's going to be drinking and smoking.  That poor little baby would be getting all that nasty stuff.  Since the mom doesn't seem responsible it is probably for the best that she bottle feed.  

  21. how do you know this mother does not have a good reason for not breast feeding, maybe she is taking strong drugs for Anthe problem you just don't know

  22. This has nothing to do with bottle's about the fact that this girl never grew up and is acting like an irresponible moron who should be caring for her child instead of partying, drinking, and smoking.

  23. I totally agree with ruby's mom! This does sound like a rant, and speaking on behalf of the young mothers out there *I am 20 and my son is 6 months* not all of us are immature, wild and crazy. I work full time, am married and yes, my son drinks from a bottle but its pure breast milk because I am an exclusive pumper. It makes me mad every time I read a post such as yours. You aren't perfect, no one is, yet you wish to push your propaganda on us. Good Job. I do whats best for my son as I am sure that you do whats best for your child. Please stop judging what you might not agree with.

    Have a blessed day

  24. it doesn't bother me that she bottle feeds even if it is for selfish reasons but it does bother me that she drinks and smokes and sponges her child off to others for feeding

  25. Go Ruby's mom!

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