
Does it make you upset knowing that you have to work to get what lazy, welfare folks get for free everyday?

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Hi all! I was just at the grocery store and I accidentally overheard an obese, unclean woman with her 3 obese kids saying how she likes to be on welfare because she doesn't got to work for a living and it made me a little upset because I do work for a living. I felt sorry for her kids because she was making them live like that at such a low level. So, I got a question for you. Does it make you upset knowing that you have to work for a living to get what lazy welfare folks get for free everyday? If I was president, I'd make a lot of these lazy, welfare bumbs, both men and women, get off their fat lazy asses and get a job. If they refused to work, they wouldn't get to buy anything, including food, because they wouldn't get paid at all. Any answers would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!




  1. yea we pay for alot of things that we dont actually use welfare....those checks that ppl get when they play crazy....public transportation.....we pay for all of this and dont use it and we have been doing that for a long what can you far as being mad at im not because you can spend cash on everything you can only pend foodstamps on limited thats an advantage over them anyway...but in their defense some ppl actually do need foodstamps....what if you were fired from you job or something like that..and you couldnt find another and you had a family to feed..what would you do

  2. I think you should be careful, because you might need welfare someday.

  3. she might like it, but if you come to think about it, she will never have her own things. people that live on welfare for the most of there life time usually dont have any good things in life that they will desire for themselves or kids at some points in there lives.  

  4. Not all people on welfare are like that. But that doesn't make me upset because how can a person have a decent life living on a welfare. I don't mind working so I can afford everything I want.

  5. About 3 years ago, a city here in S.E. Virginia told some folks in the projects that they would have to help clean up the areas around their apartments, etc to keep their home.  Some actually had the audacity to say "You mean I have to work to live here?"  Well, hello.  I have to work to keep MY home!  And I don't live 'in the projects.  And I'm responsible for ALL the maintenance on MY home and the yard around it, INCLUDING the city's right of way between my my land and the house next to me (3' wide).

      There are generations of people on welfare.  Grandma was, mom was, daughter was and her daughter is.

      Want to save some money?  If someone CAN work, then make them work.  They're the ones who quit school and expect people like ME to support them!

    ooooooooo I know I just stepped on some toes here.  Tough.

  6. I have been on welfare, briefly and as its intended to be used, between jobs and a newly single mother. I put myself through college and now am a taxpayer and worker.

    The stigma that all THOSE PEOPLE are lazy or taking advantage is  a real shame. The intent for such support - be it unemployment insurance, mothers allowance, disability payments, pensions or welfare - is that we live in a society where all people are supported and encouraged, nobody starves or is left totally behind. We voted for and all benefit in some way from a society that values all its members.

    Dont get me wrong, I dont want to pay taxes for generations of people to live off for nothing either - but there are rules and limits that should control that. I do support the basic tenets of the system.

  7. Unfortunalty, the system makes it hard to get off.

    I am one of those people your money supports. I am almost 25. I was diagnosed with leukemia at 21, qualified for disability and a medical card. Relapsed at 23, and am now legally 100% perm disabled, which means I never have to work again if I dont want to.

    Problem is, I DO want to work. Problem after that is, my med bills are about 4000 a month (and thats pretty much for life because of the meds I am on and testing that needs to be done). About half in doc apts, and the other half meds. Because it is a result of cancer, group insurance from an employer wont cover my med costs.

    While social security disability and medicare have lots of programs that help you go back to work, But medicaid does not. The second I report work, I loose my medicaid. After medicare, my out of pocket monthly expenses would be around 2500 . My only prior experience is fast food and retail. I am not going to walk into a job making that kind of money, trust me, I have looked.

    Now, I am trying to better myself. I start school next week. Hopefully in a couple years I will have my degree (most pf my previous classes transferred)  and be able to walk into a job make better money, will have been a lil further from my cancer diagnosis and may have a chance at getting med insurance somewhere else.

    But, in the mean time, I am living off your money because these programs wont allow me to try to get a job and work and get back on my feet while I am still receiving my medical benefits. And while my cancer is in remission, I am on immunosuppression for graft v host disease because of my bone marrow transplant. Its either take my meds or die.

    Most people say that I am not being lazy after I describe my situation, but I frequently get accused of all that... I have a new laptop (which was a gift). I have a nice camera (that I saved over 6 months to get) I went to the mall to buy an outfit this past summer instead of walmart or goodwill (all of my clothes are second hand or old, stained t shirts and sweat pants... i needed something to wear to the dinner where my grandmother was named mother of the year by her group.) I have highspeed internet instead of dial up, I cook meals instead of roman noodles, I drive an hour to see my doc (what a waste in gas, apparently), I have a cell phone (but no home phone), I have a diamond necklace.. I ought to sell that (my mother gave it to me almost 10 years ago)... The list goes on and on and on and on. And yes, I have been overheard joking about how I dont have to work for my money.

    While there are obviously people who abuse the system, there are a lot of people who get accused of abusing it when they really are not.

  8. We work to make money to buy things we dont really need, we spend our lives in an office, only to die and have nothing to look back on.  

  9. The thing is people like that lose in the long term.

    I'm not saying all people who are on welfare, want to be - sometimes circumstances are not in their favour.

    Those who do it on purpose are only getting short-term gain for their laziness.  They're getting the bare minimum and they're not even pursuing the opportunities to save up money for retirement etc...

    Not saying that should be the goal of everyone; I mean many people work their asses off and they still don't have enough saved up for retirement and they end up working until their half way onto their death beds

    But those lazy people who go on welfare purposely.. they're just not putting in any effort... and although I may envy the fact that they can be lazy, unfortunately, this my put a bad light on me, but I like to enjoy life, and I can't enjoy life without some money so...

    So yay, they might get some expired food with their food stamps, and if they're okay with that then fine...

  10. Being on welfare should not be a job. It's supposed to be a temporary thing so you can find a job and a way to support yourself and your children. In some areas, like in my city, people on welfare are required to work, cleaning up the sides of roads and other city work. It makes them work for their money. I have no problem helping those who are truly in need but for people like that women she is teaching her children that life is free and they will end up as pathetic as her. But I also know that people who are welfare do not have as good of a life as they would if they worked or had a better situation so they should really work to get out of that and better their life. Some people do use welfare for what it's intended for.

  11. Okay, first off, people like the woman you saw in the store does not represent all or even most of those on welfare.  Just because one is on welfare doesn't mean they are lazy.  Yes people like her get on my nerves because no one should be allowed to do that.  but I really resent your narrow opinion of welfare people.  Tell me can you handle being a single mother with fulltime nursing school and a full time unpaid intership?  Thats full time school and full time work (80 hrs a week) being a single mom.  Well thats my life, so am I lazy?  Oh forgot to mention, I am on welfare.

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