
Does it make your life easier to avoid high school relationships?

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I go to an all girls high school, so I've never had a boyfriend. It's not because I'm not socially awkward or anything - I just don't see boys every day at school. Well, I was just thinking... if I did have a boyfriend, would my life be much more difficult with the drama? Is it even worth it at my age of 15?

*sigh* do high school relationships only bring unwanted drama? I mean, going out to the movies with a boy would be fun at the time but I'd want the relationship to last. I'm the kind of girl who is mature enough to keep a long term relationship... not one that will end in a couple of weeks or months.

I know if guys got to know me though, the smarter ones would be interested. I'm a very smart girl, intellectually and morally. I know where I'm aiming in life, I'm nice to everyone, school is important to me, I don't sleep around, I play sports all year around, I'm pretty, but I'm not a betch about it...

So since I'm so interested in a real relationship, should I wait until after high school? I don't just want to date anyone..




  1. I think you should just do what you want to do during high school. don't worry about guys. because its only going to end up with heartache and a headache. you'll be with a guy maybe for a month then you'll break up. don't fall in love with some guy and then let him dump you. you have your whole life ahead of you. trust me. this is what i should of done.  

  2. I dont think that you should wait to date people. Its part of the high school experience. And no boys dont only bring drama and confusion. If you get the right boyfriend it can be fun. Their are probablly guys out there that would be worth your time. And i know its probablly harder to get a boyfriend because you go to an all girls school but put yourself out there and have fun. These are suppose to be some of the best years of your life.  

  3. please wait til ur outta high school. your only 15. its not worth it  

  4. At 15, dating is a better option. Being in a relationship you will find is tiring and most people don't know how to have a relationship at that age. I know you say you're mature, but that doesn't mean the boys you're trying to date are.

    Is it worth all the hassle? Probably not, but there are always two endings to a relationship. Either the two of you die at the exact same moment of one of you gets hurt. It's not a bad thing to date, it lets you know what you do and don't like. You'll get more selective and then soon you'll be able to figure out the ones that are ready to have a serious relationship.  


  6. yes

  7. what is the point of having a highschool relationship, well since u want a real relationship i would say not to date in highschool. i'm 15 also, and believe me all a guy really wants at our age is s*x, well most of us. thats not a real relationship so if your not exactly looking for that then im sure you can wait till you get out of highschool.

    and about the unwanted drama....

    lol yeah you'll have that whether you have a boyfriend or you don't.

  8. Im around your age and I also go to an all girls school. I had a boyfriend from the boys campus and we took the bus home together. We went out for a year and a half, he was in a year higher than me. So now i'm a jr. and he's a senior. It worked out pretty well because he helped me with alot of stuff involving school like homework assignments and advice. Than we also gave eachother something to look forward to at the end of the day which was seeing eachother. Me and my boyfriend broke up only because he had family issues that caused him to move.I think if you know where you want to go in life and think you are on the right path, I don't see why you can't have a boyfriend. I don't think you should wait until after highschool. Sometimes having a boyfriend in school makes things better I know it did for me. He was my bestfriend who I happened to date. He was the shoulder I turned to if anything happened to me because he was going through something similar or had gone through something similar since he was going to our brother campus. If you think you playing sports all year long would stop you from spending time with your boyfriend, just have him help you wiht practice in your free time. Or get a boyfriend who is in a sport to. Alot of time that you should be practicing can be spent with him helping you practice, boyfriends for me just made everything fun like homework because I had someone that I really liked helping me.  

  9. Yes, high school relationships are often filled with drama, s*x, and disgusting, inappropriate moments. At 15, you're too young anyway.

  10. yes it does make your life WAY easier to just avoid it. I had a boyfriend in high school and then ended up not going to college because I was so attatched to him and I think that was the biggest mistake EVER. Accomplish what you want to with your schooling and then think about relationships after

  11. honestly, im 15 too, and high school relationships suck most of the time. Most people go out for like two months and break up at my school. but then again, my sister went out with someone in high school and is still going out with him three years later. it really depends on who it is, but the vast majority of the time, its just drama. and everyone gossips about it.

  12. Yes, wait until after you graduate, avoid the drama, and bf distract you big time.  Plus, it sounds like you're not ready anyway, but you're being smart...

  13. Unwanted drama is exactly what your going for. I mean maybe not in your personal relationship but all the people who are like, "OMGOODNESS i wasn't even over him yet! " "Eww they make a bad couple!" "i gotta brake them up for the good of things" "my life is ruined! he doesnt pay attention to me anymore! your so mean!" haha....IDK because im not there yet. But if you think your ready (because there will ALWAYS be drama) then go for it. But don't get pressured into anything you don't want to do such as s*x or anything :) God bless

  14. i also go to an all girls high school and trust me when i say that if you want a real relationship then look for a guy who wants the same.

    you just have to be straight forward in what you would want out of the relationship.

    go for what you want and high school is all about having fun and experiencing new things.

    have fun and be responsible try it and if you don't like being in a relationship then you'll know that you'll just be single and happy and that you don't need a guy in this time of your life.

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