
Does it matter how close you get to the computer or t.v.? (without damaging eyes)?

by  |  earlier

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i am 14 and have a prescription of -3.00 in one eye and -3.25 in the other. (i'm near sited)




  1. It depends on the view screen, whether or not it is a tube type monitor or liquid crystal. All tube type picture systems emit x rays. The diode types do not.

  2. no i think that it does matter how close you get to the TV or computer, b/c there's a saying that goes like this, if you watch TV too close you could damage your eyes, and maybe there is some truth to it, I D K, but i've grown up hearing that saying, so it must be true.

  3. That depends whether it is caused genetically or environmental or both. I believe both, no one has done any credible, reliable experiments of computer screen distance.

    There is some demographic proof though. Educated people in poorer countries are more susceptible, possible because they read books and computer scrrens closely while people like farmers mostly look at medium range.

    Oh and don't go so close that you can't discern anything unless you want to burn your retina.

  4. t does matter, if ur too close it will damage your eyes.

  5. TV and computer screens will not damage your eyes or worsen your visual acuity.  They can cause eyestrain and fatigue, though, if they are too bright or if you are too close to them.  Your computer screen should not be any brighter than your surroundings and should be at least arm's length away.  If you have to get closer than this to see your screen, wear your glasses.  Also remember to blink or use eye drops to rewet your eyes.

    Nearsightedness usually progresses in the teens and will stabilize in the late teens or early twenties.  Unfortunately, there isn't really anything you can do about it.  Just make sure you keep getting your prescription updated so you can see clearly.  :)

  6. As long as you are not straining your eyes its okay to be close to a plasm screen.

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