
Does it matter how long you take before you put on foundation after you put on primer?

by  |  earlier

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and should I still put moisturizer on if i use primer? Because I mix moisturizer with my foundation so its more natural looking anyway as a tinted moisterizer. SO basicly what Im saying is I do

1 Moisturizer

2 primer

3 concealer

4 tinted moisturizer (i mix my foundation with mouisturizer)

And how soon should i put my concealer after primer an dhow long should i put my primer after moisturizer if at all bc i use a titnted moisturizer?




  1. Yes, moisturize even if you use primer or a tinted moisterizer.

    Concealer should always be applied after your foundation application so it doesn't rub off. With the exception of mineral/powder foundations.

    5-10 minutes to let the moisterizer sink into your skin.

    to apply concealer, dab some on the area you want to conceal and pat. If you're wanting to coverup dark cicles, dab some under your eyes, pat and sweep outwards.

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