
Does it matter if a diesel car on start up smokes a bit?

by Guest65658  |  earlier

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Only the car i am buying is a well looked after car but high mileage. and the guy said it is injectors that just need cleaning?




  1. What color is the smoke?

  2. a diesel engine should smoke white until it warms up should not operate a diesel engine untill the oil temp is over 100 deg.if don't allow for warm up will burn the bearings in the engine faster than normal..engine will last longer if warms up first if no oil temp gage the water temp gage will work...

  3. if it smokes just for a while,,then its ok...

  4. It  does not  matter if you get  only a  puff of smoke on start up as  the   Fuel injection Pump   injects  max amount of  fuel for a quick start and then   the      delivery of fuel is  governed  as per the     throttle  input.  Normally  all  diesel  engines  give up smoke on a  start up.

  5. it could be burning a little oil .

    Been around a lot of semi-s and never cleaned an injector.

    But diesel work on pressure and heat. A cold diesel will not burn fuel as  well as a hot diesel.

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