
Does it matter if a fail my 4th year exam and does it matter that am dyslexia?

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am 16 in 4th year uk ,atm am doing my exams am on study leave think im doing to fail i have toke English art done them . i still have HE ,maths it has been so hard for me to study ,i lot has been going on in my life atm this week i broke up with my bf ,my friends have feel out with me dont even no what i have done !,my dad he was drinking and got pissed but he has a problem he was off it for 11 years and then my brother tied to kill them self and i cant take more i think coz of all that i am making my self feel ill and i cant study but dose it matter if am if i do fail then if am staying on to 5,6th year plz help!?




  1. Answer to your question.

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  2. I don't think it would

  3. I honestly do feel sorry for dyslexics because no matter what they do they cannot do anything about it. Unfortunatley laws in Britain state that no other condition than syndromes needn't change influence of results meaning you will have to work really hard to let things stick to your enatically controlled mind (genetically changed) so good luck- you'll need it

  4. Is the school aware of your dyslexia, and do you have any support or special considerations because of the dyslexia?

    I would also talk to the school counselor and let them know what is going on in the home, and that your finding it hard to study.

    I would also ask if there is any special consideration/accommodation or hardship (unsure of the correct term for UK) you can apply for, which takes into consideration your current situation and the dyslexia, and mark you exams accordingly.

    Most high schools and Universities do offer this sort of thing for students who are suffering some sort of crisis or hardship due a illness, disability or family problems etc.

    At lest try to sit the exams, as it is far better to try than not try at all, and you may well surprise yourself by passing.

    I have dyslexia and I know how frustrated you must feel. If you need any study tips or strategies on how manage the dyslexia please feel free to contact me.

  5. You may be able to request certain allowances for the exams. Since you have a harder time reading and writing, it takes you longer. You should be able to request a longer time for taking the test, to allow for that problem, so that th test will reflect your real abilities. Who helps you with your dyslexia? Go to them first, and ask about it. They may be able to help you out, so that the test scores aren't artificially low.

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