
Does it matter if the President served in the military?

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I spoke to someone today who said he would never vote for anyone that did not serve in the military. I am trying to understand the logic behind it. Does serving in the armed forces make someone better qualified to run the country?




  1. To some it does. I'm a vet but it doesn't matter to me at all.  

  2. It doesn't make a lot of difference to me.  

  3. It shouldn't matter at all as long as the president supports the military.  I've never been in the military, and I think I would not make a very good soldier, but that doesn't mean I don't support them.

  4. No. It doesn't matter the tiniest bit to me. Serving one's country doesn't mean they are more or less qualified to lead a country. I think the overall consensus for half of Americans though, is that serving in war makes one more patriotic. How that helps them with foreign policies or global issues is news to me.

    In fact. I think I would be more likely to vote for a candidate who did NOT fight in a war. It shows me that they are not only think logically, as most war is unneeded and unwanted. But that there mind isn't always off wandering somewhere, reminiscing about bombings of schools and shooting down innocent civilians. I want a candidate with a clear head.

  5. personally it doesnt matter to me - i would vote for mccain whether he served or not. but by serving in the military, it shows he is loyal to america.

  6. Historically speaking, we've had bad and good presidents who were in the military. If being in the military automatically makes you a good president, then Jimmy Carter and George H.W. Bush were both good presidents. Going back farther, Ulysses S. Grant was the preeminent general of the Civil War, yet was a terrible president.

    Tell your friend that by his standards John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Franklin D. Roosevelt were all unworthy of his vote, as none of them were in the military.  

  7. I think it's a big plus factor.

  8. In a way it is preferable, since they are the supreme commanders of the armed forces.  

  9. I think it might make a difference if you served, but it doesn't make a difference to me.

  10. doesnt make a difference to me. which ever canidate thats best for the country is who i vote for..

    Obama 08

  11. technically it should be a important factor considering the president is the head of our armed forces. the president executes the laws that are put into effect so he should be able to command an army (fbi, cia, dea, etc.). bill writing and passing is done by congress not the president.  

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